

Salt Life
Would this mean the same as "cute" or is this something entirely different? Do you view it as an insult or a compliment? :tap:


I bowl overhand
Chasey_Lane said:
Would this mean the same as "cute" or is this something entirely different? Do you view it as an insult or a compliment? :tap:
Cutie is totally different then cute.. it's a term of endearment..

or should it be cuta..

You KNEW this was coming didn't you?


aka Mrs. Giant
I think my dawg's a cutie. :shrug: Would it be insulting to refer to someone with the same term of endearment that I reserve for my dawg?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Would this mean the same as "cute" or is this something entirely different? Do you view it as an insult or a compliment? :tap:

It depends on if it's just "cutie" or they pair it with "pie" or "patootie." :shrug:


aka Mrs. Giant
jazz lady said:
It depends on if it's just "cutie" or they pair it with "pie" or "patootie." :shrug:
:lmao: I haven't heard "cutie patootie" since my grandfather was alive!
Last time I went to the doctor, he said something about me having "acute bronchitis" ... should my bronchitis be offended...:confused:


Chasey_Lane said:
Would this mean the same as "cute" or is this something entirely different? Do you view it as an insult or a compliment? :tap:

Maybe its just me, but I'd still feel like I was twelve or that I was being compared to little Richie's sister on Happy Days or something :shrug: :crazy:

I'd want a description of something more sexy or womanly :shrug:


New Member
Cutie should never be a word in a man's vocabulary. Cutie should be reserved for pets and babies. And by the woman only.


aka Mrs. Giant
kwillia said:
Last time I went to the doctor, he said something about me having "acute bronchitis" ... should my bronchitis be offended...:confused:
:roflmao: That should be in the cute tread not the cutie one. And if you took it as a compliment...well then okay.


New Member
nachomama said:
Is that a man law? :confused:

yep. I just got back from the Man's Panel, where the usage of the word "cutie" was deemed unacceptable. Feel free to ask for any more man's laws in the future!

somd whisper

New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Would this mean the same as "cute" or is this something entirely different? Do you view it as an insult or a compliment? :tap:

I would take it as a compliment....you know when someone says, aww you are such a cutie"

I think it is just another way of saying cute..... :huggy:


Well-Known Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Would this mean the same as "cute" or is this something entirely different? Do you view it as an insult or a compliment? :tap:

Although I think I'd PREFER other adjectives - I've considered it a compliment. When my wife and I were dating, she would sometimes look over at me in the car and repeat "cutie, cutie, cutie". I liked it.

I also remember a couple other times when I overheard it said about me - once from a roommate of a girl I was taking out when she was looking out the window at me coming up to the door.

Yeah, it's a compliment. I'm sure it wasn't meant to insult me.