

Hi everyone, has anyone on the forums had any experience taking the medication cymbalta? I would like to know the side affects etc. My doctor prescribed it for me and I've taken it twice and so far I've had a terrible headache. Anyone familiar? Any comments would be appreciated


New Member
Hi everyone, has anyone on the forums had any experience taking the medication cymbalta? I would like to know the side affects etc. My doctor prescribed it for me and I've taken it twice and so far I've had a terrible headache. Anyone familiar? Any comments would be appreciated

Give it a couple more days. I had no side affects. Guess I was lucky.


I called the dr this morning and she said to give it another couple of days and to take some tylenol for the pain. This medication is known to raise blood pressure so I was concerned about because I've never had problems with blood pressure before and don't want to start having problems with that either on top of everything else


Podunk FL
I took it for a year and had horrible migraines from it. Bad enough that I would have to get medical attention for the hospital.

I also lost my hearing in my one ear.

I came off of more migraines...and my hearing came back over time.