D to Offer MoPed Ride Share

I'm thinking this will not go well for anyone. So many things to go wrong, like someone getting on that has never ridden a moped before. Altercations with both pedestrians and cars. Sidewalk riders. Mopeds left anywhere and everywhere blocking sidewalks.

And the most gross part..... each moped will have 2 helmets, and helmets will be required to be worn. Hell, I NEVER share my helmet, can you imagine one helmet being shared by hundreds of people? Wearing a helmet after someone who uses lots of 'product'? Can you say "head lice infestation" ?? ew.
Why yes. Yes, I do.

There is always a spare helmet available after one particular event. I was recently single, riding my GoldWing, had it parked under the clock in Solomons. A gaggle of attractive ladies, obviously drinking, exited the Striped Rock, don't remember what it was called back then.... I wasn't paying attention until I heard, "...if he has a spare helmet..". I looked up. They were all staring at me, smiling. Earlier that day I had removed my spare helmet when cleaning the bike, and not replaced it. ARRRRRRGGGG!!!

So now, there is ALWAYS a clean spare helmet on board.