TERRELL, TEXAS (AP) -- A Texas prosecutor has committed suicide after reportedly being caught-up in one of those NBC "Dateline" child-predator stings.
Police were trying to serve Bill Conradt with an arrest warrant at his home, alleging that he solicited sex with someone he thought was a 13-year-old, but who was actually a decoy. They heard a shot, then found him inside with a self-inflicted wound.

WTF!?!?! I sure hope they vote his sorry ass out of office as soon as possible.
Police were trying to serve Bill Conradt with an arrest warrant at his home, alleging that he solicited sex with someone he thought was a 13-year-old, but who was actually a decoy. They heard a shot, then found him inside with a self-inflicted wound.

The mayor in Murphy, Texas, tells the paper he hopes his town won't be used again to try to trap child predators in this way.
WTF!?!?! I sure hope they vote his sorry ass out of office as soon as possible.