Dad Help!!!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
:clap: They are hard to reel in with the boat moving that fast. Been there, done that, though we only had two people on the boat and it was hard to coordinate. Good for him!


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:yahoo: That's great! What a wonderful memory. I must be hormonal tonight because that brought tears to my eyes. The tone in his dad's voice encouraging him was so sweet. *sigh*

OK, I need to go get my fishing poles ready. I'm dying to get out on the water and catch me some rock!


New Member
That was awesome. :thewave: I remember my daughters first catch...we didn't get it on video but have pics. She still talks about it and it was several years ago.


You wouldn't have missed it on Sunday. Other than a few fish, and the one I got on video, it was a pretty miserable day.

I can't wait to hear from this kid about his video though.

Very cool, something he'll talk about for a while to come no doubt. We went out Sunday as well, not a single bite, very miserable. Now Saturday evening we went out and within an hour had our limit with a 39in and a 35in.
(not counting the other two that got away)