Dallas - Romo


Redskins go to Dallas and face the Boy's minus Romo? If he does play London Fletcher just might remove that rib.


Redskins go to Dallas and face the Boy's minus Romo? If he does play London Fletcher just might remove that rib.

When he was healthy, he fumbled and threw a game losing INT. When he had a broken rib and a punctured lung, he won the game in OT.

My son-in-law lives near Dallas and is a huge fan of Romo. I have volunteered to fly to Dallas each weekend to break a rib or 2!!!


A Salute to all on Watch
Redskins go to Dallas and face the Boy's minus Romo? If he does play London Fletcher just might remove that rib.

Thought he already had that done, made him more flexible.......This will be a tell-tale game for us, in the past the Skins would find a way to make him look good, hopefully Monday will be different


Well Romo went and ruined the game regardless. If he doesn't go, the 2 outcomes are 1. The Skins beat the Coyboys because they didn't have Romo -or- 2. the Skins suck because they got beat by Romo's backup.

If he does go the same 1. the skins won because Romo is not 100% - or - 2. The skins suck because Romo beat them even playing with a broken rib.


A Salute to all on Watch
Well Romo went and ruined the game regardless. If he doesn't go, the 2 outcomes are 1. The Skins beat the Coyboys because they didn't have Romo -or- 2. the Skins suck because they got beat by Romo's backup.

If he does go the same 1. the skins won because Romo is not 100% - or - 2. The skins suck because Romo beat them even playing with a broken rib.

We have our own handicap with #37 in the secondary, If Rex doesn't give the game away we will (should) beat them no matter who they have playing......
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
We have our own handicap with #37 in the secondary, If Rex doesn't give the game away we will beat them no matter who they have playing......

I don't think that is fair. He makes the plays he should and then some. Heads up hustle kind of player. No, he's not a super star and he is a step slower than everyone but me, but, I don't see him as a handicap. :buddies:

And this is shaping up for a loss for us. It is going to be a real challenge to not look past this game with Romo breathing through a tube.


A Salute to all on Watch
I don't think that is fair. He makes the plays he should and then some. Heads up hustle kind of player. No, he's not a super star and he is a step slower than everyone but me, but, I don't see him as a handicap. :buddies:

And this is shaping up for a loss for us. It is going to be a real challenge to not look past this game with Romo breathing through a tube.

Fair assessment, he makes most of the plays he's capable of making. Guess I'm comparing him to Landry and when he's back, I'll be bi tching because he'll bite on the fake and get beat deep......#37 is who I'm worried about not being able to make the play when it counts, Bradshaw made him look real bad in the opener.


Nothing to see here
Grossman fans are known as "Mike and Kyle" :lol:

I don't think that is fair. He makes the plays he should and then some. Heads up hustle kind of player. No, he's not a super star and he is a step slower than everyone but me, but, I don't see him as a handicap. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't think that is fair. He makes the plays he should and then some. Heads up hustle kind of player. No, he's not a super star and he is a step slower than everyone but me, but, I don't see him as a handicap. :buddies:

Totally agree! Could not have said it better myself! It was intended to be a joke and a :poke: at Tilted. I have no problem with Rex and wish we would not have wasted picks on 5 last year and just gone with him then.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Fair assessment, he makes most of the plays he's capable of making. Guess I'm comparing him to Landry and when he's back, I'll be bi tching because he'll bite on the fake and get beat deep......#37 is who I'm worried about not being able to make the play when it counts, Bradshaw made him look real bad in the opener.

Right, but that's the trade off; a solid guy who you know what you got and is a solid cog in the machine that might get beat physically and, therefore, you can try to scheme so as to not be leaving him alone on, say, Fitzgerald or someone like that OR have a Landry who will get beat once in awhile when he shouldn't but, by and large, you can do more things everywhere else with him?

And, then, of course, you just can't get a Landry anywhere whereas if you've got good football people in your organization, there are Doughty's to be had all the time and cheap.

In the larger picture, I am an inside out guy and both Taylor (rip) and Landry, I'd never have either because I would have used those picks to trade down and get linemen first and then when you have 37's in the back, they don't have to cover as long or you don't need super stars because your line and LB's have stuffed the run and killed their QB.
