Dallas Week...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I guess the Holiday spirit has kept me from getting on with the hostilities?

In any event, may everyone have a happy holiday except Dallas and their dumb fans.

Die, you gravy sucking pigs!


My Sweetest Boy
Larry, the kool aid is sitting on the counter. I want to drink it...I really, really do. I've been looking at it.....it sure does look good...I still have 3 days...

Merry Christmas to you too, my friend. :huggy:


Dancing Up A Storm
crabcake said:
Merry Christmas Larry ... You'll be needing these. :huggy:

There's even enough for you to share with MM. :smile:
That's what I like about you Crabby: You are SO thoughtful! :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Gettin' fired UP!!!

If you're a Democrat: Dallas is my George Bush

If you're Lowes: Dallas is my Home Depot

If you're the US: Dallas is my France

If you taste great: Dallas is my less filling

If you are a Vegan: Dallas is my Atkins Diet

If you're a dog: Dallas is my cat

They are the Terps Blue Demons.

They are the Hatfields McCoys.

If you are in touch with your inner demon, no matter how irrational, no matter how frivolous, then you know how I feel about the Dallas Cowboys.

Nothing, NOTHING in leisure or entertainment comes close to the taste of BEATING the Boys. Nothing comes close to the dispair of losing.

Win the Super Bowl or sweep Dallas?

Simple. Sweep Dallas AND beat them in the NFC championship game. The Superbowl is gravy.

This ENTIRE season rests on this afternoon and it is ever so good to be alive!!!

So, we sing...


Hail to the Redskins, Hail VICTORY, Braves on the WARPATH! FIGHT! FOR OLD DC!!!!!!!!!!

Hail Dallas?

HAIL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...that was rather bitter.

I'll keep my mouth shut for now but there are three common coaching areas I've been looking at that have not changed from game one this year.

I'll ##### later.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

I understand that there was a reported explosion in Middletown, MD tonight when Larry Gude's head exploded during the final seconds of the Redskin game. The blast was reported to have been heard as far south as Leonardtown, MD. :killingme


But wait, there's more...
Ken King said:

I understand that there was a reported explosion in Middletown, MD tonight when Larry Gude's head exploded during the final seconds of the Redskin game. The blast was reported to have been heard as far south as Leonardtown, MD. :killingme
:yeahthat: and as far east as Rehoboth Beach, DE.



Well-Known Member
Boo Hoo


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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If Toxic is listening outdoors tonight at about 7:30PM to 7:50PM he might just hear the blast too, it was deafening here in Southern, MD. AZ is 2 hours behind our time but it is a little over 1900 miles point to point and with the speed of sound being 750 MPH it should arrive about 2:30 hours after the event.

So Toxic let us know if you hear anything out that way.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...in all honesty, I actually took this one sitting down. Once the kid fumbled the punt and the D stopped them yet again and one more time, the air of inevitability descended.

If the offense would simply not gain one first down and insist on the defense stopping them yet again, it was just a matter of time.

I just sat there and actually laughed a bit, detached, as the kid came wide open deep. Testeverde may be 41 years old but if you give him endless chances, he's gonna get it done. The fans were booing him as he threw away pass after pass and got sacked umpteen times but he knew the only thing that would take away a chance to win was throwing another INT.

Gibbs has taken the position that on offense they will not play to win, they will only play to limit mistakes. That's fine if you can score 21 points a game as Gibbs had made the season goal.

This years team has taken the old axiom, defense wins championships, and thrown it out the window.

To illustrate how bad the offense is, 14.6 points per game and only ahead of Chicago, the Skins would be 11-4 if we had DALLAS' OFFENSE.

That's enough for now.
