Damn it


So I had to go to BJ's to get something so I picked up one of those Keureg brewing machines for Mom and Pop for Christmas. So it is in the truck and all day I am thinking "Maybe this is too much for the bumpkins." "They drink 8 o'clock and other discount coffee will they like it?" "Mom is from the green stamp generation, will she freak at about .40 cents a cup?"

So I decide to say screw it and give it to them. I bring it in the house and it is sitting here and I am looking at it. I look at it some more......... I read some more on the internet.......Wow they have a bunch of different kinds of coffee......... It looks pretty cool.......

Now I have to find them another present and I have had 4 cups of coffee and I have a buzz. :banghead:


New Member
So I had to go to BJ's to get something so I picked up one of those Keureg brewing machines for Mom and Pop for Christmas. So it is in the truck and all day I am thinking "Maybe this is too much for the bumpkins." "They drink 8 o'clock and other discount coffee will they like it?" "Mom is from the green stamp generation, will she freak at about .40 cents a cup?"

So I decide to say screw it and give it to them. I bring it in the house and it is sitting here and I am looking at it. I look at it some more......... I read some more on the internet.......Wow they have a bunch of different kinds of coffee......... It looks pretty cool.......

Now I have to find them another present and I have had 4 cups of coffee and I have a buzz. :banghead:

I love love love my Keurig.....Try CoffeeWhiz.com for coffee :yay:


Nice lady!
So I had to go to BJ's to get something so I picked up one of those Keureg brewing machines for Mom and Pop for Christmas. So it is in the truck and all day I am thinking "Maybe this is too much for the bumpkins." "They drink 8 o'clock and other discount coffee will they like it?" "Mom is from the green stamp generation, will she freak at about .40 cents a cup?"

So I decide to say screw it and give it to them. I bring it in the house and it is sitting here and I am looking at it. I look at it some more......... I read some more on the internet.......Wow they have a bunch of different kinds of coffee......... It looks pretty cool.......

Now I have to find them another present and I have had 4 cups of coffee and I have a buzz. :banghead:



Well-Known Member
So I had to go to BJ's to get something so I picked up one of those Keureg brewing machines for Mom and Pop for Christmas.

Is it bad that I thought this was a brew-your-own-beer thing and not a coffee maker? :blushing:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I did something really awful today. Well, it will be good for someone on Xmas, but it was a bad thing to do and I cannot talk about it.


Don't be angry that we wanna destroy his young hot butt with our lust. It's natural! :lmao: