Damn, John Kerry just right there with it

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
John Kerry has never represented me and never will.
He is a coward, a liar, a man who should have been prosecuted for treason years ago.
John Kerry is one low life scumbag. I would piss on him if he was on fire.
Reminds me of a quote attributed to the Great Johnny Unitas was to have made when a reporter asked Johnny his opinion of Don Shula.....

Supposedly he responded with - "If his throat was on fire, I wouldn't walk across the street to piss down his mouth"


Power with Control

See, this is the sort of "misinformation" john would love to hammer. He would not want us seeing that Israel actually knows how this works. When people shoot at you, SHOOT THE **** BACK!!!!!!! And DONT GODDAMN STOP UNTIL THEY BEG YOU TO.

In that thread was this image, which to this day enrages me just to see.



PREMO Member

American Liberty In The Balance

John Kerry, maybe the most pompous politician of our lifetimes, admits that the First Amendment is an obstacle to the Democrats’ hard-left agenda. It’s a deeply disturbing statement perfectly in line with the party’s irrepressible authoritarian urges.

At last week’s Sustainable Development Impact Meetings of the World Economic Forum, Kerry, a long-time U.S. senator from Massachusetts, secretary of state for four years of the eight-year Obama nightmare, Joe Biden’s climate czar and a failed presidential candidate, acknowledged that his party wants to censor speech that it doesn’t approve of.

“Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence,” he said. “What we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”

This was ominously followed by his warning that “there are some people in our country who prepared to implement change by other means.”

His party will take that as a reference to Jan. 6. But the rest of us should understand that he’s saying that Democrats can take power the easy way or the hard way – so just turn it over to us in November and we won’t have to be more coercive than we already are.

Kerry also complained that “it’s really hard to govern today.” This simply means that Democrats are finding that getting their way with policy is more difficult than in the past because the dissenting voices are now being heard on social media and from news sources that don’t believe it’s their job to put Democrats in office and keep them there.

It’s impossible to watch the video without feeling the chill winds of censorship. Yet there’s no surprise. The political left began to abandon free speech through political correctness, then slowly, as if it had been part of a grand long-term plan, move on to government suppression of speech.