The main savior compound was the entirety of last week's episode, wasn't it?
See, that's what I thought. Although it did seem like Negan didn't exactly have everyone on hand.
So how did Rick - who was THERE - end up way back at an outpost with Morales?
Unless the plan was, attack the compound, clean up at the outposts?
Still kind of confused - he leads an army of walkers into Sanctuary by blowing up their perimeter -
and then leaves? So why are the Kingdom people worried that "they know we're coming"?
Although, I still can't figure out why Negan didn't have a bullet through his goddam head the second he poked it out that door.
Yeah, me too. I did like however, Rick counting down from ten - and firing on 7.
I really hope they go after the Trash People and explain to them - calmly and peacefully, of course - that a deal is a deal.
If I read the comics correctly - they don't really "exist". So they can do what they want.