My daughter will be 3 next week and I want to sign her up for dance class - can anyone recommend a good place to go? Sharon's is right down the street from me, but I don't know much about them? Her daycare is right near St. Mary's so really that area wouldn't be out of the question either, if there is even anything around there.
Sharon's has classes for children that age. A lot of places don't. My daughter went there last year, but we left for two reasons...mainly they didn't have a class that would suit my schedule and two...the kids coming out of that school can't dance...a conclusion I came to after watching the recital last year. They do a lot of free form dancing with the older girls and basically, if you had two or more on stage at the same time, they were doing different things...most of the time, that was intended, but even when it wasn't intended they were off. However, intended or not, it just looked sloppy...
BUT 3 year olds can't stay together anyway, and they had fun, so who cares. :shrug: Plus Sharon's is a lot less inclined to nickel and dime you to death...we paid the monthly fee, which was in line with other places. We paid for the costumes, which, while a little expensive, still in line with other studios. AND most importantly, we only paid for the pictures we required packages or minimums, only paid for video if we wanted to, only paid for the number of tickets we needed, (at about half the cost of the per ticket price of other places) only paid for trophies if we wanted them, only paid for t-shirts if we wanted required recital packages, unlike the place we ended up this year...
Another thing I liked about Sharon's is that we could watch the class through a window...they've moved to a new place so I don't know if that is still true.