Dancing w/ the Stars


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So how many people watched Marie Osmond pass out and thump to the floor last night? :lmao: Sorry to laugh, but it was pretty funny. Gotta love TiVo.

The show was out of control last night. Had us laughing through the whole thing. We liked Jenny Garth's partner's comment- "shake your fun stuff". Nice!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Darn it! I missed it! :mad:

You all aren't doing a very good job of reminding me when there's something good on TV. :mad:


So how many people watched Marie Osmond pass out and thump to the floor last night? :lmao: Sorry to laugh, but it was pretty funny. Gotta love TiVo.

The show was out of control last night. Had us laughing through the whole thing. We liked Jenny Garth's partner's comment- "shake your fun stuff". Nice!

Did she chip a tooth? That could be fatal for Marie Osmond.


So how many people watched Marie Osmond pass out and thump to the floor last night? :lmao:

I missed it ... but no worries. I'm sure it's already dominating YouTube, and it will be an internet meme within 48 hours.

In fact, I'll bet that some dweeb is making an animated gif, as we speak, which includes Obi-Wan Kenobi using the "FORCE" to make her fall, and there's some other twerp in his parent's basement who's pasting King Leonidas's screaming face over hers as she hits the floor.

THIS IS OSMOOOOOND!!!!1!1!!eleven!!


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Did she chip a tooth? That could be fatal for Marie Osmond.

:lmao: I love her explanation that it happens to her when she is very active because she forgets to breathe. Ummmm, maybe she should be checked for that.

Either way, seeing an Osmond drop like a ton of bricks is pretty funny.


Jane Seymour is gorgeous and she dances beautifully.

:yeahthat: Very classy lady.

I saw the Marie flop last night live... they cut to a commercial break forever. It's funny because prior to she was jumping up and down, up and down saying "energy!! energy!! I have energy!!" or something like that - trying to show the judge she has the energy or something if I recall correctly, than her partner grabbed her and then a second later she flopped - :lol: I also liked the "oh crap" comment. Funny thing was River Rat was watching it too, she kept insisting she was on something because her dance was a little off, I argued no - she's fine, she's mormon. She said no I think she's on something-- look she's out of sync or something, more debatting then the jumping and rambling after the dance where her partner had to grab her and settle her down and pull her back, I still disagreed, then she flopped out while we were still debating. Hard to keep arguing after that :lol: I think River Rat ended up settling on the idea that she had a "red bull" before the dance or something. :lol:

canuk woman

So how many people watched Marie Osmond pass out and thump to the floor last night? :lmao: Sorry to laugh, but it was pretty funny. Gotta love TiVo.

The show was out of control last night. Had us laughing through the whole thing. We liked Jenny Garth's partner's comment- "shake your fun stuff". Nice!

OMG I hope she wins she is my pick (and if she gets voted off I'll cheer for Jennie Garth because I liked the first 5 seasons of 90210 actually call me stupid but I think Shannen Doherty shouldn't have been fighting with Tori Spelling duh how else could she have been fired fight with a daddy's girl and you're gone)


New Member
So how many people watched Marie Osmond pass out and thump to the floor last night? :lmao: Sorry to laugh, but it was pretty funny. Gotta love TiVo.

The show was out of control last night. Had us laughing through the whole thing. We liked Jenny Garth's partner's comment- "shake your fun stuff". Nice!

:faint: Everytime I turn on Entertainment Tonight they have to do some kind of Marie Osmond mention. So, she goes from fainting to blaming it on bad divorce, etc. :blahblah: ... ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Does anyone remember the Donny and Marie dolls from back in the day? They had those sparkly purple and silver outfits (I'm ashamed to admit I owned them). :lmao:

I want Jane Seymour to win --- she's so classy! :yahoo:

canuk woman

OMG Marie is in the finals! I kinda expected her to go home on tuesday. Oh well now I can spend all my voting points on her now

canuk woman

Ok to my moms utter disappointment Marie came in third but I told her "Well look on the bright side at least she made it to the finals that's farther than we all expected" but now she has to help me if there's someone that I like that's on next season then she will have to help me the same way I helped her. and like less than a week after the season ends there is another break up courteseay (I'm sorry if I spelt it wrong) of Julianne Hough now I hear that Helio's fiancee called off the engagement whoa whoa whoa wait a minute didn't I hear something similar last season like she postphoned her wedding? (Hey maybe it's because of the tour maybe it's because she realized that she's too fricken young to get married, maybe she left her fiancee for Apolo) another similarity? let me think last season Ian Zeiring was voted off after the semi-finals and this season Jennie Garth was voted off after the semi-finals coincidence? hm maybe they were both on 90210 but how come I saw it coming?