

Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Fox News was showing Bush losing only by 1% to Kerry in Maryland... until about 15 minutes ago, when Baltimore musta weighed in. Kerry jumped up about 5%. :tantrum


Set Trippin
sleuth said:
Fox News was showing Bush losing only by 1% to Kerry in Maryland... until about 15 minutes ago, when Baltimore musta weighed in. Kerry jumped up about 5%. :tantrum
Are you really all that surprised?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Maryland race for President

549 of 1787 precincts - 31 percent
John F. Kerry Dem 360,569 - 54 percent
George W. Bush (i) Rep 302,160 - 45 percent


Well-Known Member
If Prince Georges and Baltimore were incorporated with Washington D.C. (Barry could be the Governor) then Maryland would be a Republican State by 44,326 votes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I still like the idea of divvying electorals by disctrict, rather than winner-take-all. It boggles my mind to see the county map - all this red, then little tiny dots of blue where the urban blight is. And those tiny dots can elect a President over the rest of America. It just doesn't seem right to me.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
im baltimore baby :) my vote owns
Owns what? Stock in a losing campaign? :dork:

I'll bet you meant to state "counts" but it wasn't enough now, was it? :razz: :roflmao:

GO BUSH!!! :patriot: