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Daniel 7:11 “Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking. I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. 12 (The other beasts had been stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time.)
Back in Daniel 7:8 we saw the little horn come out of the other horns and begin to talk.
I know this might be confusing if you are just clicking on this thread and you haven't read the preceding threads. So let me bring you up to speed on at least part of it so it'll make sense. Bringing you up to speed might also help me capture the real meaning of what is going on here because by now in the Daniel Bible Studies, the attendance had dropped off so much that many of the Daniel Bible studies I attended would be suspended or cancelled.
Daniel was captured and taken from his home then castrated by order of Nebuchadnezzar, when Babylon conquered Jerusalem. He lived his life in pretty good fashion. He was offered the same food the king ate, not the normal bread and water that we associate with most captives. He displayed his talent for leadership when he arranged a deal to get his diet changed, challenging Nebuchadnezzar's orders, in the very beginning of the book. He's gotten to be a great leader under Nebuchadnezzar when he interpreted dreams that no one else could or would interpret.
After Nebuchadnezzar died, Nebuchadnezzar's sons took over. When Belshazzar took over his father's rule, he didn't follow the faith in God his father had learned while dealing with Daniel and his closest friends. Instead he decided to have a big drunken party, pulled out some of the artifacts that had come from the temple when Babylon captured Jerusalem, and drank from them. That's when a hand [yep, just the hand] came down and wrote on the wall. Daniel was called in to interpret once again.
His lofty status hasn't been without peril. Along the way he has made others jealous. When the Medes and Persians got together and conquered Babylon, King Darius was tricked into putting Daniel in a lions den for the night. Daniel is now about 80 years old. God intervened and Daniel came out of the den without a scratch.
Now Daniel is having dreams of his own. In this first dream he's described four beasts. The first is like a lion, the second is like a bear, the third is like a leopard. The fourth isn't like any animal but it has 10 horns.... then while he's watching the horns start to change on eventually one little horn emerges. This horn has a big mouth and human eyes all over. It's running it's mouth and now God has intervened. God is described as the ancient of times. He's on his thrown that has wheels of fire. In front of God there's a river of fire. There are books and an audience and God is about to pronounce Judgment. That's where we are now.
According to the commentaries, the horn is someone called the anti-Christ. He's going to come on the scene and he's going to schmooze millions of people. He's going to be quite the orator this the tag of boasting horn.
Daniel says the last beast is destroyed and then thrown into the river of fire. The other three beasts are stripped of authority and they are allowed to survive but the fourth beast is a goner.
Now there's a lot of talk about who the horn is and who the beast is and the judgment that is going on... but Daniel is getting ready to get an interpretation for us.... so I'm going to wait for the interpretation and I believe all of this will be made clear.
So according to one of the commentaries, we've come to the point in history when Jesus opens the Kingdom of God.
They had their dominion taken away: This great passage describes the transition from human dominion on earth to divine dominion. This happens as the Son of Man comes and exercises dominion over the earth. The Son of Man succeeds the reign of the fourth beast.