Darn Yo Gabba Gabba


Active Member
I hate candy corn...it is a disgusting vile devil's confection. So we still have a bunch of candy corn left over from Halloween in a canister and I've been using it as treats for my kids (who love it).
Daughter asked me today if I liked candy corn. I said no and she starts singing 'Try it you'll like it'. Now how am I, as a mom trying to encourage my kids to try new things, supposed to argue this?
Where did she learn this song? Yo Gabba Gabba.

So I hate to eat it with a smile...and it was nasty.:barf:


New Member
god I hate that song hehe

edit: but at least it's not lazy town

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Throwing the deuces
I am so glad my 4 yr old isn't into that show. I can't tell you how many countless hours I had to watch "the Wiggles" with my older son when he was that age. :dead:


New Member
/shudder lol

nothing IMO is as bad as diego. I watch a few episodes of each show my son watches to get a feel for it.

The first episode of diego we watched had diego trying to find a way past three snakes

which he did by walking past them.

great lesson to teach kids =/

walk slowly past the copperheads .... don't back away from them slowly and tell a parent that a poisonous snake is in your yard.

-good lesson diego-


nothing can beat diego for sheer stupidity, while nothing can beat the 'super' pets for annoyance.


Active Member
Hubby loves Lazytown...it creeps me out :lol:
I cannot stand that 'bing bang binga whatever' song Stephanie sings.


My one year old loves Yo Gabba Gabba, it's just one show that I noticed caught his attention at an early age. TV is on most of the day at daycare but he doesn't pay attention to most of it since he's playing with the other kids & our provider but I can't stand Lazytown! 6 year old still likes it though!


Where are my pants?
I'll take "The Wiggles" any day over either "Yo Gabba Gabba" or "Lazytown"....

There is really no shortage of irritating children's programming on television these days. Back when I was a kid it was either Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers.


New Member
I'll take "The Wiggles" any day over either "Yo Gabba Gabba" or "Lazytown"....

There is really no shortage of irritating children's programming on television these days. Back when I was a kid it was either Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers.

I watched both about a month ago (or so) with my son.

I'll take Little Einsteins over any other kids show out there.