Daschle Finally Gets Smart



Tommy Boy realized there was no way he was going to be President in 2004 and dropped out of the race today. Looks like he realized that two birds in the hand (senate seat and leadership position) was better than trying to beat one Bush.:biggrin:


Chairman of the Board
Try to remember that just because a lot of Democrats are currently running - it in no way suggests there will be anywhere NEAR that many running come the primaries. In the last election, we had people like Elizabeth Dole and John Kasich running, but they never got anywhere.


endangered species
He should step down as minority leader too. The time for conciliation is over. The repubs are playing hardball and the dems are still trying to figure out the rules ( or even if there are any.)


New Member
Daschle knew that he did not have a chance of winning the nomination and he really does love the Senate. Why jeopardize losing one's safe job when one is not sure if they could reach promotion? He is doing a fine job in the Senate of the leading the party and he is a true asset there, while he would not be on the campaign trail for president.


New Member
My, my VRA you have been feeling contrary lately, huh?

What do you propose are his reasons for not running?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
What do you propose are his reasons for not running?
I agree that he probably knows he can't win the nomination with his numbers in the toilet the way they are, and wants to spare himself some embarrassment. But I don't agree that he "loves" the Senate. If he did, he wouldn't have considered the Presidency in the first place. If you "love" your wife, are you still out looking? Of course not. I think he's merely satisfied with the Senate.

I'm just getting tired of all this ESP that's going on. I'd like to see some facts to back up the opinions. After all, isn't that what opinions are supposed to be based on - facts?


New Member
Well, VRA isn't it true that you also rely on assumptions and feelings when you form your opinions? Facts are not the only basis of opinions. Daschle did say that his true passion lies in the Senate and I think that he is trustworthy enough to believe that.


Hey Vrai, you know the whole "I love the Senate" is just a means for Daschle to save face.

I think that Daschle bailed out for the same reason that Gore did, and that didn't have to do with beating or not beating Bush. I think it's because their handlers told them that there was a good chance that they would lose in the primaries, and that would be humiliating for either of them.


New Member
Bru, we finally agree. This was about Daschle's job security in the Senate and his insecurity as a presidential contender.