Daschle has a breakdown!




He is getting threats because he's a pinko commie maggot who needs to be working with the finest McChoke employees.

Everyone in the public eye gets threats, one time or another, he's just trying to use this because the Demmies got their rear handed to them.

What a loser!! :boo:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Daschle told reporters that the "very shrill edge" taken on by many radio and television talks show hosts has turned politics into entertainment and can spark an emotional response in people.
:roflmao: Hello, Pot? It's that pesky kettle again...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I couldn't resist this quote...

"Contrary to what these right-wing nuts would have you believe, I think that the broadcast media, by and large, tries to be fair to both sides," Daschle told Detroit radio talker Mitch Albom.
I love that one... CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN give both sides fairly?

:roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao:

And now John McCain's smoking from Tommy's crack pipe and spouting the same "talk radio is hate radio" BS.

It's contagious! It's time to quarantine patient zero!
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Football season!
The only problem Daschle made was naming Rush. ( I suppose this is what this thread is about. I didn't read the article, just judging by the comments)

Of all people, don't give Rush any kind of leverage.. Even when I considered myself a straight forward republican, I couldn't stand the jibberish coming out of his mouth.. But that aside, I do feel that media people from both side could tone it down a bit, especially when it comes to personal attacks.. Real easy for someone to just sit their in their radio booth and make comments about people who only have the simple obligation of being a servant to the american people. As Kain would say, it is 20/20 in the rear view :smile:

But I have come to terms with people like Rush.. Much like McCain, I look at it as pure entertainment.. Like listening to Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, etc.. Just people saying stuff to get a response, and probabaly don't mean half of what they say when behind a mic.

I love when ultra-conservatives get into a discussion and say something like "Well, I heard on Rush that.." I normally cut them off right there, because it is normally not worth repeating. I tell them to look at a few newspapers, come up with your own conclusions and get back to me..


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Rush is irrelevant. I never listened to Rush because I prefer the "conflict" of a two sided format. Hannity and Colmes, Braden and Buchanan, even Chris Matthews and Tim Russert bring in guests to give both sides in the arena.

Rush is a radio lecture but he's under the skin of the left like nothing else. That's the one thing I enjoy about him. Ann Coulter too.

The bug up Tommy's butt, as well as most Demmies, is about a media source that allows guests and pundits that contradict the drivel he and that ilk spread on the Big-3 and Ted Turners Communist News Network. They couldn't control "everything" that was heard in the election cycle so they're mad! :lmao:

They scream about freedom of expression but silence, shout down or ignore any opinions which conflict with theirs. They don't want both sides heard they want "JUST" their side heard.

I loved his rail against Fox. One lonely station, outgunned by five others, is responsible for undermining the DNC! :roflmao: