Daschole gone = :yay:



Sen J. Edwards -D NC unemployed ........................1 million bucks

Sen T. Daschel -D SD unemployed.........................5 million bucks

Terry McAullife Chariman DNC jumping off bridge........50 million bucks

Urbanurinalcake biting my ass.................................Priceless


Nothing to see here
Pete said:

Sen J. Edwards -D NC unemployed ........................1 million bucks

Sen T. Daschel -D SD unemployed.........................5 million bucks

Terry McAullife Chariman DNC jumping off bridge........50 million bucks

Urbanurinalcake biting my ass.................................Priceless

:killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this is like Christmas!

McCauliffe is right up there with Dashle on my happy, happy, joy, joy list!!!


Dear Sean Penn / Bruce Sprinsteen / Asshton Kutcher / Baldwin Brothers / Michael More / P Diddy / Emenem,

Bite my ass you elitist scum. Please get mad because the knuckle dragging public didn't listen to you even though you are smarter than everyone else.

Love Pete4563456345634563


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
otter said:
They won't show.
They're headed to Ohio to fill out more provisional ballots.

Dashole getting excised is the best news I heard this morning. :yay: :getdown:


Better than YOU.
Pete said:

Sen J. Edwards -D NC unemployed ........................1 million bucks

Sen T. Daschel -D SD unemployed.........................5 million bucks

Terry McAullife Chariman DNC jumping off bridge........50 million bucks

Urbanurinalcake biting my ass.................................Priceless

:killingme :killingme :killingme :yeahthat: :peace: