Dating Advice ..thoughts?


Salt Life


PREMO Member
.... they get a man, they get stupid ...

they don't go to the Gym,

they don't want to get their hair done anymore ....

... all they want to do. is just do their man ... :jet:

how do 'they' expect to keep a man, if they don't continue doing the things that attracted the man in the 1st place ....

She offered up some helpful categories as examples of dating different types of men. "You've got the money man, the funny man, the dude you can go to restaurants with," she says. "And then you've got the sex man. You can't go nowhere with him, but he gives you some good stuff!"


valid points: get a hobby and don't 'sweat your man too much'


you both need hobbies outside of the relationship


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Did anyone watch the video? She says it breaks down into three parts:

  • Have a hobby
  • Have a life
  • Give a man some room

I can't say I disagree with that.

I also agree that men need to pursue, so you can't give up your life in order to pant at their heels 24/7. Make them work for it. They WANT to work for it.

She also says don't settle for the first guy who comes along just because you're desperate for a boyfriend. That's what dating is for - interviewing for a boyfriend and you should consider all applicants before you make a decision. What's wrong with that?

Be with a man who is into you and that you don't want/have to change. How can that be bad advice?



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Did anyone watch the video? She says it breaks down into three parts:

  • Have a hobby
  • Have a life
  • Give a man some room

I can't say I disagree with that.

I also agree that men need to pursue, so you can't give up your life in order to pant at their heels 24/7. Make them work for it. They WANT to work for it.

She also says don't settle for the first guy who comes along just because you're desperate for a boyfriend. That's what dating is for - interviewing for a boyfriend and you should consider all applicants before you make a decision. What's wrong with that?

Be with a man who is into you and that you don't want/have to change. How can that be bad advice?



PREMO Member
Bitter? :roflmao:

I have plenty room to talk. I'm not a married man stalking forum chicks. :yay:

I am not stalking chicks on the forums, the M&G are for that .... :evil:

and if you are not better when is you and your butt buddy hank are constantly making rude comments about my wife ?

I'm sure your wife can handle more. :yay:

yeah you are bitter ... snarkey bitch
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