Dating apps have turned us into a generation of private detectives


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Dating apps have turned us into a generation of private detectives

"Pre-qualifying" has become par for the course in the online dating arena, says Rachel Hosie

Stalking potential partners online has become completely de rigueur - it’s simply another way of vetting someone before you meet up.

Women in particular often don’t want to meet someone in person without making absolutely sure they’re not crazy.

That, and we don’t want to go to all the effort of doing our hair, putting on extra makeup and shaving our legs for someone who isn't who they say they are.

So online stalking is the answer.

Whilst most dating apps only display a person’s first name, once you know where someone works, where they studied or which mutual friends you have on Facebook, it’s all too easy to give them a Google and learn their full name.

And from there, the internet is your oyster.

...... or you just corner his friend and play 20 questions .... :razz: