David Frum's Op Ed Aged Well


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After Afghanistan, No More Moral Blackmail From Failed Global Interventionists

In the nearly two decades since it was published, the column has become something of a Rosetta Stone for deciphering the underlying motivations and mindset of the most ardent proponents of the idea that stable democracies can be imposed by military force from the top down. Like an insect captured in amber, Frum’s essay is a near-perfect specimen of the neoconservative id, equal parts delusion and sanctimony.

Frum attacked legendary conservative columnist Robert Novak for correctly predicting that America’s foray into Afghanistan would be a “futile slaughter”; he attacked Pat Buchanan for correctly predicting that America’s military might wouldn’t be enough to overcome its ignorance of Afghanistan’s culture and history; and he characterized the entire movement of conservatives who opposed the neoconservative plan to democratize the world through military conquest as Vichy apologists whose sole aim was to stand up for terrorist suicide bombers.

After tarring war opponents as Nazi collaborators, Frum transitioned to tarring anyone who opposed open borders and unchecked immigration as racist relics pining for the return of the KKK. “They began by hating neoconservatives,” Frum wrote. “They came to hate their party and this president. They have finished by hating their country.”

“War is a great clarifier,” Frum concluded. “The paleoconservatives have chosen—and the rest of us must choose too. In a time of danger, they have turned their backs on their country. Now we turn our backs on them.”

Frum, who was sent packing from his perch at the American Enterprise Institute for his refusal to do much of anything in exchange for his six-figure sinecure there, was right about one thing: war is a great clarifier.
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'A Racist and a Tyrant': David Frum Tries to Uncancel Racist Woodrow Wilson, Gets Schooled Instead

To the Left, everyone politically to the right of Karl Marx is, invariably, a racist. And an irredeemable one, at that. They spout critical race theory nonsense that says every white person is a bigot, and must atone for not only their sins, but the sins of their forebears. It doesn't matter if you've never uttered a racist word or committed a racist act in your life. You are, by the default color of your skin, guilty of a cardinal sin and must make amends. Only theirs is a system where forgiveness and redemption are not attainable: you can only be punished. Cancellation is permanent.

Unless, of course, David Frum decides that maybe you were okay after all. Even though you were, actually, a racist and a terrible president to boot.

Frum writes:

Yet over the past half decade, Wilson’s name has been scrubbed from schools and memorials across the country. Wilson’s own Princeton, which he elevated from mediocrity to greatness in his eight years as university president, has removed his name from its school of public policy and a dormitory. “We have taken this extraordinary step,” the university announced in June 2020, “because we believe that Wilson’s racist thinking and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school whose scholars, students, and alumni must be firmly committed to combatting the scourge of racism in all its forms.”

These acts of obloquy are endorsed across the spectrum of liberal and progressive opinion. The New York Times editorial board had urged the renaming and damned Wilson as “an unrepentant racist.” In his recent history, American Midnight, the eminent liberal writer Adam Hochschild accuses Wilson of culpability for the unjust imprisonment, illegal abuse, and outright murder of trade unionists and anti-war dissenters. Here at The Atlantic, the historian Timothy Naftali described Wilson as “an awful man who presided over an apartheid system in the nation’s capital.”

Let's remind you of some of the things Wilson espoused and did:

  • Resegregated the federal government
  • Defended the KKK
  • Fired 15 of 17 Black federal service supervisors and replaced them with white people
  • Killed a proposal from Japan for a treaty that would recognize racial equality at Versailles in 1919
  • Wrote that Reconstruction was 'dominance of an ignorant and inferior race'
We don't have to continue. The guy was awful, and an unrepentant racist.

So while the Left gleefully melts down statues of Robert E. Lee, they're hoping to rehabilitate Wilson.


Well, Frum says he 'championed—and came to symbolize—progressive reform at home and liberal internationalism abroad.'

So he's a progressive, therefore we must overlook his blatant racism.

(This is also a roundabout way of saying progressives are racist, but we digress).

Thankfully, Twitter/X users were having none of it:
