Dawkins ducks debate...


New Member
I would think that a super genius like Dawkins would take ANY opportunity to debated and trash a flat earther.............:killingme

I guess 10k for one day is way below his standards.

Personllay I would have rather seen this debate between Ravi Zacharias or William Lane Craig...

Atheist guru Dawkins snubs $10,000 debate


New Member


New Member
Ray Comfort is a joke. Here's one of my old threads for you to read. :dye:

Ray Comfort would not be my choice as noted in the thread. If you could go here..

YouTube - william lane craig


YouTube - ravi zacharias debate

either one would probably provide a better philosophical debate than Comfort. However I don't think you would catch Dawkins trying to debate with either for any amount of money....his charade would be revealed....:popcorn:


New Member
Ray Comfort is a joke. Here's one of my old threads for you to read. :dye:
I like Ray Comfort personally, but I also think he needs to realize that he is NOT a theistic debater like Craig.

(Then again, not many people are...maybe JP Moreland, definitely not D'Souza.)

That ABC debacle with Comfort/Cameron vs. the atheists was embarrassing.

Comfort is an evangelist, and a good one. His hearts in the right place. Ray, use the gifts you have, not one's you don't.


New Member
I like Ray Comfort personally, but I also think he needs to realize that he is NOT a theistic debater like Craig.

(Then again, not many people are...maybe JP Moreland, definitely not D'Souza.)

That ABC debacle with Comfort/Cameron vs. the atheists was embarrassing.

Comfort is an evangelist, and a good one. His hearts in the right place. Ray, use the gifts you have, not one's you don't.

Yes I agree with that 100%:buddies: