

All Up In Your Grill
I had it on this morning several times. All I got was static. :bawl: I ended up listening to my BuckCherry & Breaking Benjamin cd's on the way to work. :larry:

heavenly was

New Member
someone mentioned it to me. I didnt believe it so i turned and sure enough something was playing strange and they said b101 heard my own ears. I just checked and its normal.


New Member
heavenly was said:
someone mentioned it to me. I didnt believe it so i turned and sure enough something was playing strange and they said b101 heard my own ears. I just checked and its normal.
You were getting B-101.5?

Where were you?

heavenly was

New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
You were getting B-101.5?

Where were you?

great mills. i checked the dial though and it was 101.1. i suppose you are probably right though. if i do remember they say b101 on that too. very odd


nachomama said:
I had it on this morning several times. All I got was static. :bawl: I ended up listening to my BuckCherry & Breaking Benjamin cd's on the way to work. :larry:
Buckcherry & Breaking Benjamin = Good stuff!


New Member
heavenly was said:
great mills. i checked the dial though and it was 101.1. i suppose you are probably right though. if i do remember they say b101 on that too. very odd
Yep, prolly sunspots or something. :lmao:

B-101.5 is a Fredricsburg station with a decent signal.


All Up In Your Grill
heavenly was said:
great mills. i checked the dial though and it was 101.1. i suppose you are probably right though. if i do remember they say b101 on that too. very odd

I even tried to get it on 102.1 and had no luck. :tantrum


New Member
All the local stations were being walked over by a strong signal. My guess is that B101 has been turning up the power in the AM.


Happy Camper
LordStanley said:
terrorists are blocking the DC101 signal in SOMD :jameo:

Actually, it sounds like it is just a conspiracy against Nacho's radio... Seriously though, if I remember the drive up the road this morning (was on autopilot at 5:30 on Friday), I passed through a few foggy areas. Usually get garbled reception when it's like that.


All Up In Your Grill
belvak said:
Actually, it sounds like it is just a conspiracy against Nacho's radio... Seriously though, if I remember the drive up the road this morning (was on autopilot at 5:30 on Friday), I passed through a few foggy areas. Usually get garbled reception when it's like that.

It's all thanks to them freaking thugs that broke into my truck last week. :bawl:


New Member
heavenly was said:
what happen at dc101? = b101 and play bad music??

All week I have been getting static on DC101, not sure what station it is that was in the background, was trying to focus on Elliot lol! Anyways, Yesterday and today had more of an issue hearing..


Back in the saddle
nachomama said:
I even tried to get it on 102.1 and had no luck. :tantrum

That station actually worked for me this morning. Can't say much for the earlier part of the week. When I tuned in it was some guy talking about his brother and how much money he got from some accident, and got hooked up in drugs. I think the brother died of OD. I didn't catch the whole story.