De-cluttering my inbox


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One of my NY resolutions is to unsubscribe from all nonessential mailing lists. Throughout the year I'll think I need to be kept informed about things I really don't, and many times when I buy something online they'll automatically start sending me a bunch of promo stuff.

Bye, Duluth Trading Company! Goodbye, Epicurious! So long, Murray's Cheeses! I'll call you if I need you!


happy to be living
One of my NY resolutions is to unsubscribe from all nonessential mailing lists. Throughout the year I'll think I need to be kept informed about things I really don't, and many times when I buy something online they'll automatically start sending me a bunch of promo stuff.

Bye, Duluth Trading Company! Goodbye, Epicurious! So long, Murray's Cheeses! I'll call you if I need you!

Unsubscribe! Unsubscribe! Unsubscribe!


Well-Known Member
It's a long process, but worth it.

I did it last year. Created multiple folders to organize e-mails (Receipts, Electric, Credit Cards, etc.)

Then went through each of the spam e-mails in my inbox and unsubscribed. Some I had to do multiple times.

Now I only average about 3-5 emails a week in lieu of 50-60 before.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I feel kind of bad. When I go to unsubscribe, I get a screen that says, "Oh no! Why don't you love us anymore??" Dick and Sally, I do still love you. DSW and Whole Foods, I'll still be in to hang with you regularly. We're still FB friends. I just feel that we need some distance in our relationship, and I don't need the updates of your every move to remember you are there. It'll be fine, you'll see. :huggy:


Soul Probe
I have different email addresses for different things. One for shopping purchases or anything for which I think I'll receive spam, another for family/friends, one I use when paying bills, another for mail lists, etc. I've done this for years and, although not perfect, it works fairly well for me without having to unsubscribe from things on a regular basis.


RBF expert
My gmail account organizes them all automatically for me :shrug: I didn't even ask it to! Some update and BAM. I had 3 main folders, personal, social, promotions. Social just seems to be all my emails from Facebook. I guess if I used other social accounts, I'd get emails there too like twitter and stuff. Personal only shows the actual emails I want to see: SOMD classifieds, friends, job searches, recipes from my mother, etc. and Promotions and is where all my "shopping" emails go. I get 60+ a day of those sometimes, and while I've unsubscribed to quite a few bc their emails were pointless, there's plenty I like to get...justttt in case lol DSW shoes, for example. You never know when a spontaneous shoe shopping trip might ensue, and wah-lah, I just so happen to have a coupon. I only get a notification on my phone for the emails sent to the "personal" folder, so I'm not inundated with a bajillion notifications on my phone all day with my promotions emails. Just the ones that matter. Don't ask me how gmail knows, it just showed up one day and I can't live without it now :lol: