Deadbeat Parent Fliers Put on Pizza Boxes


Lem Putt
Imagine ordering your pizza, you're sitting there waiting for it to arrive, dreaming of the delicious crust, melted cheese, toppings...

The doorbell rings, you go to the door, anticipating the joy. You pay the driver, turn around, look at the box....

:yikes: It's JPC! :barf:

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
MMDad said:
Imagine ordering your pizza, you're sitting there waiting for it to arrive, dreaming of the delicious crust, melted cheese, toppings...

The doorbell rings, you go to the door, anticipating the joy. You pay the driver, turn around, look at the box....

:yikes: It's JPC! :barf:

:yeahthat: Ya beat me to the punch


MMDad said:
Imagine ordering your pizza, you're sitting there waiting for it to arrive, dreaming of the delicious crust, melted cheese, toppings...

The doorbell rings, you go to the door, anticipating the joy. You pay the driver, turn around, look at the box....

:yikes: It's JPC! :barf:



MMDad said:
Imagine ordering your pizza, you're sitting there waiting for it to arrive, dreaming of the delicious crust, melted cheese, toppings...

The doorbell rings, you go to the door, anticipating the joy. You pay the driver, turn around, look at the box....

:yikes: It's JPC! :barf:
And I was just thinking that maybe JPC would want to head up the Maryland campaign. :whistle:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

RoseRed said:
:yay: See at beginning and at the bottom of that story it says the story comes from the Associated Press (AP), so the heading calling parents as "deadbeats" is only coming from the WTOP news and not the AP report itself. On the first line they call the parents "scofflaw" and not deadbeat.

This is because the slander of "deadbeat" is pushed by that media and not by the police. The slander has been officially stopped but it goes on in public discourse because slander is hard to die.

The reason parents are called "scofflaw" is because the parents are only resisting the law - scoffing the law, and it is not scoffing the children.

Attacking the parenting of the parents when the parents are simply defying an unjust law is slander indeed.

And in Maryland it is officially "scofflaw parents" and not that slander anymore. :popcorn:


Lem Putt
JPC sr said:
This is because the slander of "deadbeat" is pushed by that media and not by the police. The slander has been officially stopped but it goes on in public discourse because slander is hard to die.
Bill Clinton calls people like you "Deadbeats." He said that when he was President, not a member of the press. Once again, you are worng.

Face it, that is what you were, are, and always will be. Don't shoot the messenger, fix yourself.
Scofflaw -

*somebody who ignores or disregards the law

*one who habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses

*a person who flouts the law, esp. one who fails to pay fines owed


Iron City
kwillia said:
Scofflaw -

*somebody who ignores or disregards the law

*one who habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses

*a person who flouts the law, esp. one who fails to pay fines owed

Main Entry: <SUP>1</SUP>dead·beat
Pronunciation: <TT>'ded-"bEt</TT>
Function: noun
1 : [size=-1]LOAFER[/size]
2 : one who persistently fails to pay personal debts or expenses

Sounds as if the term "deadbeat" fits well.
mrweb said:
Main Entry: <SUP>1</SUP>dead·beat
Pronunciation: <TT>'ded-"bEt</TT>
Function: noun
1 : [size=-1]LOAFER[/size]
2 : one who persistently fails to pay personal debts or expenses

Sounds as if the term "deadbeat" fits well.
He can prefer one over the other all he wants, both look to mean the same to me...:shrug:


OK lets assume JPC is as stupid as everyone here thinks he is.

Now is there anyone here that thinks the Childsupport system is totally outa touch with reality:shrug:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

kwillia said:
He can prefer one over the other all he wants, both look to mean the same to me...:shrug:
:yay: That might be, but "scofflaw" is a total different meaning. :jameo:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Dougstermd said:
OK lets assume JPC is as stupid as everyone here thinks he is.

Now is there anyone here that thinks the Childsupport system is totally outa touch with reality:shrug:
I think it can be unreasonable, but if the two adults in the situation can not be selfish and work things out between them, the legal system does not impose itself. The problem is the adults are usually too angry at each other and want to hurt the other person anyway they can regardless of what harm it causes the children.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Dougstermd said:
I wish I could say I was a scofflaw.

But I am just a broke MFer.
Well, my wallet stayed pretty flat while I paid child support, but my ex and I worked things out together. I didn't make much when we split. As I started earning more, I gave her more voluntarily. I wanted my kid to have what I could provide.