ylexot said:
It's really easy for Dean to say he's going to balance the budget, but I'd like to know how he proposes to do that and provide healthcare for every American. Either big cuts, or big taxes...which is it Dr. Dean?
It's really neither because Dean isn't going to "provide" healthcare for every American. What he's wants to do is provide healthcare for every American who either can't, or won't, pay for it now. Those of us who are paying our insurance premiums right now don't get squat, and we're about 80% of the population. What he wants us to do is opt to pay for the premiums for the other 20%, so the government won't be providing anything... it'll all be us doing the providing, and the usual suspects getting the entitlement.
Doing a rough calculation, since I've been paying for medical coverage for my family and I, I've paid roughly $60,600 into the system, and have gotten about $8,500 out of it... not a very good return on my investment. If I were getting free healthcare from the government, aka the Canadian system, I would be doing pretty good as no one in my family has ever had to really get anything major done, just shots, physicals, and one broken toe. But that's not what the Dems, especially Dean, wants to do. He wants the people who are already paying for their healthcare to keep paying, plus pay more to cover everybody else. Screw that!
There's another weak board in Dean's platform for everyone to get healthcare, and that is medicare/medicaid funding. Dean's model, and ever rested on laurel, was his covering "every child in Vermont." What Dean doesn't say is that close to 90% of the children were already covered by the health insurance their working parents had, and only about 10% needed to be covered by the Vermont government. Dean was able to get that last 10% covered by using money for child coverage that wasn't being used by other states in several US government programs. He took money that was meant for kinds in PA, OH, MD, etc., and wisely got it diverted to his coffers. Not a bad idea, and it worked well, but what happens when every state is keeping it's money? Does he think he's going to be able to pinch Canada's healthcare account?