The wage gap has been debunked, discredited and shown to be utter crap for decades now. I used to have this argument with my mom - so I KNOW it was a long time ago. As one responder noted, when you factor in job choice, willingness to work overtime and weekends and things like job danger - there's no gap. As the writer noted, this is comparing a part-time teacher to a full time male engineer.
My mom would try to make the same argument, saying that nurses in her hospital didn't make anywhere near the pay of a surgeon. Of course they don't, Mom - a surgeon is a MUCH more demanding skill, many more risks and takes years of experience plus the ability to do such a difficult job. And FEMALE surgeons make the SAME. She wouldn't see it, explaining that nurses do more of the day to day care and care for the same people.
I would go on about careers like engineering which require years of study and the ability to master science, math and technology to a degree that it can be used - and sadly, women do not go into it. "And why is THAT, do you think?". Well, now, Mom, you're talking about something that a LAW isn't going to fix. Yeah, well that's sad. Really sad, son.
I've had this discussion, and I've seen the data, and I've argued the data. The gap doesn't exist, and in some professions - like mine - there's a wage table based mostly on experience. If you're a certain grade and step - you all make the same and I might add, regardless of whether or not you do a good job.
But it doesn't matter - this has Jussie Smollett level of fakery all over it. Funny how you get a child's letter JUST when you need it.