Dear Governor Blanco



Wilma sat for what seemed like an eternity over the Yucatan Peninsula. It astounds me that folks in Florida couldn't have picked up a full tank of gas, a case of Fruit2O, an assortment of Slim Jims and Cheez-Its and a week's worth of ammunition before the storm hit.
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tikipirate said:
Wilma sat for what seemed like an eternity over the Yucatan Peninsula. It astounds me that folks in Florida couldn't have picked up a full tank of gas, a case of Fruit2O, an assortment of Slim Jims and Cheez-Its and a week's worth of ammunition before the storm hit.
:yeahthat: But I usually keep more than a weeks worth of ammo on hand.


Routinely Derailed
My sister and brother-in-law live in the Keys, in a house on stilts. They had amassed plenty of everything and even had a generator.

Blithely ignoring the warnings, they elected to stay and ride out the storm, along with 90% of the Keys inhabitants. :rolleyes:

They moved all their foodstuff down to the refrigerator-freezer in their ground-floor storage room.

Then came the Storm Surge.

They lost both of their vehicles, (probably) the generator, and (probably) everything else stored down at that level.

But the one cooler full of ice and canned this-and-that which was up in the house with them, survived the storm and probably lasted at least a day or two. :duh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Shoot, I have easily a week's worth of food and drink in my house right now - and I haven't even gone to the grocery store yet this week.


Fighting like a girl
tikipirate said:
Wilma sat for what seemed like an eternity over the Yucatan Peninsula. It astounds me that folks in Florida couldn't have picked up a full tank of gas, a case of Fruit2O, an assortment of Slim Jims and Cheez-Its and a week's worth of ammunition before the storm hit.

What gets me is that people around here have gone days without power without acting like it's the end of the world. Remember the ice storms back in 1993-94? Thousands were without power for weeks, but we were at least somewhat prepared. It has been two/three days and they are already saying that their government failed them.

I had just thought that it was the poverty of New Orleans but now even Floridians are acting foolish....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
I had just thought that it was the poverty of New Orleans but now even Floridians are acting foolish....
Americans, as a whole, are a bunch of spoiled crybabies.

"I have to say, in honesty, patience will be required for everybody," Chertoff told The Associated Press during his flight to Florida. "Under the best circumstances, even in the best planning, you still confront the physical reality of a destructive storm."
I do not know why Chertoff would have to explain to adults (who vote!) that a hurricane will disrupt their lives and cause them some inconvenience. They want to sit on their lazy Dorito-eating asses and pule for the government to come take care of them. Doesn't occur to them to fill up their gas tanks before the storm hits. They don't think to stock up on bottled water.

Nope - they just sit there pissing and moaning because the cable's out.



I bowl overhand
truby20 said:
What gets me is that people around here have gone days without power without acting like it's the end of the world. Remember the ice storms back in 1993-94? Thousands were without power for weeks, but we were at least somewhat prepared. It has been two/three days and they are already saying that their government failed them.

I had just thought that it was the poverty of New Orleans but now even Floridians are acting foolish....
If there's a Republican to blame it's ALL their fault....

One woman even had the audacity to say "This is like the Third World," said Claudia Shaw, "We live in a state where we suffer from these storms every year. Where is the planning?" Exactly Claudia.. where was YOUR planning?? Dambazz!!


itsbob said:
If there's a Republican to blame it's ALL their fault....

One woman even had the audacity to say "This is like the Third World," said Claudia Shaw, "We live in a state where we suffer from these storms every year. Where is the planning?" Exactly Claudia.. where was YOUR planning?? Dambazz!!

I would just like to point out that the folks having all these "problems" are in counties that are mostly Democrats. My guess is that Ms. Shaw is a Democrat if she thinks not being able to get gas for a couple of days equates to a Third World way of life.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
One woman even had the audacity to say "This is like the Third World," said Claudia Shaw, "We live in a state where we suffer from these storms every year. Where is the planning?" Exactly Claudia.. where was YOUR planning?? Dambazz!!
At first glance, you might think she's talking about the ability of the people to plan for a disaster they know is coming. Wrong. She's talking about the GOVERNMENT'S ability to plan for these things so people like her do not have to be inconvenienced by them. They had some chickie on MSBNC last night that said the same thing.

This is what happens when you allow a nanny government to rule your life. You become so dependent that you're too stupid to get out of the way of a hurricane that you know is coming.


vraiblonde said:
At first glance, you might think she's talking about the ability of the people to plan for a disaster they know is coming. Wrong. She's talking about the GOVERNMENT'S ability to plan for these things so people like her do not have to be inconvenienced by them. They had some chickie on MSBNC last night that said the same thing.

This is what happens when you allow a nanny government to rule your life. You become so dependent that you're too stupid to get out of the way of a hurricane that you know is coming.
If the big one hits, rest assured I have a place for you in my survival plan :yay:


My initial point was that Governor Bush took responsibility for HIS state instead of sluffing it off on FEMA faster than water off a ducks back like SGT Blanco did in LA. Of course we had the added pleasure of Jeb giving the teet sucking masses of goobers who would surely die if they were not on gubmint life support a good old :neener: