The yard dude was by today and he said that my petunia baskets were some of the most beautiful he's ever seen In fact, he didn't believe me when I told him that my husband grew them until I told him that you were a professional wholesale greenhouse.
They're in front of the house all bushy and glorious, instead of on the deck, because they look fabulous between the bush thingies in front of the porch. He's going to plant them next week if I don't get to them first.
(Yes, I could've called Larry and told him this directly, but I wanted to brag on him a bit.)
They're in front of the house all bushy and glorious, instead of on the deck, because they look fabulous between the bush thingies in front of the porch. He's going to plant them next week if I don't get to them first.
(Yes, I could've called Larry and told him this directly, but I wanted to brag on him a bit.)