Dear Larry:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Do you still think these people can be reasoned with and spoken to like rational adults?

Larry and I used to argue about this all the time - he'd say, "Well, why don't the Republicans just respond with X? That will shut the Dems up because what are they going to say to that?"

I guess now you know what they will say to that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Do you still think these people can be reasoned with and spoken to like rational adults?

Larry and I used to argue about this all the time - he'd say, "Well, why don't the Republicans just respond with X? That will shut the Dems up because what are they going to say to that?"

I guess now you know what they will say to that.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Do you still think these people can be reasoned with and spoken to like rational adults?

Larry and I used to argue about this all the time - he'd say, "Well, why don't the Republicans just respond with X? That will shut the Dems up because what are they going to say to that?"

I guess now you know what they will say to that.

...I have seen ONE GOPer in the last 12 years stand up and rebut in an effective and firm fashion, Joe Scarborough.

So, is it that the children are unruly or is it lack of parental supervision?

Quick test. I'm gonna say a couple names and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind;

Bob Wexler?

Joe Scarborough? (this is a family site, keep it clean) :lmao:






Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...I have seen ONE GOPer in the last 12 years stand up and rebut in an effective and firm fashion, Joe Scarborough.

He didn't rebut so much as he laughed in Wexler's face. You can't debate the insane.

However, the alternative is to just let them have at it and not even try to correct the record. But it is tedious and makes my head hurt. The good news is that with every attack on Palin and her daughter, John McCain gets that much closer to the White House.

People are sick of this ignorant crap - the Democrats apparently didn't get that message when they helped put Bush in the White House not once, but twice.