Dear Target Twit:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Your little daughter is adorable - what is she, maybe a year and a half old? Well she was out of your sight long enough that I could have snatched her up and made off with her long before you realized she was gone. She was quite friendly, too, came right over and started babbling at me like we were old pals. Would have taken nothing to just grab her up, take her home and make her over in my own image. And you may think the world needs another Vraiblonde, but let me assure you, my own daughter is carrying on the tradition.

(When she finally retrieved the tot, I told her she really shouldn't let her daughter roam like that. She humpfed at me and skittered off.)


Isaiah 55:8-9
Your little daughter is adorable - what is she, maybe a year and a half old? Well she was out of your sight long enough that I could have snatched her up and made off with her long before you realized she was gone. She was quite friendly, too, came right over and started babbling at me like we were old pals. Would have taken nothing to just grab her up, take her home and make her over in my own image. And you may think the world needs another Vraiblonde, but let me assure you, my own daughter is carrying on the tradition.

(When she finally retrieved the tot, I told her she really shouldn't let her daughter roam like that. She humpfed at me and skittered off.)

I don't know which is worse- those that let their little ones roam aimlessly or those that plant them in front of the television playing a movie or playing the video games while they casually do their "cartfull" of shopping. Would really like to :smack: them breeders.


Well-Known Member
Probably going to the Comic store next...


I've seen that a lot too, little ones wandering away an aisle over, while they shop and talk on the phone. Once I stopped and asked the little girl if she was looking for her mommy was talked to her until the mom came looking for her, just so she wouldn't wander any further. Of course, she got huffy with me and yelled at the kid, still on the phone.


Your little daughter is adorable - what is she, maybe a year and a half old? Well she was out of your sight long enough that I could have snatched her up and made off with her long before you realized she was gone. She was quite friendly, too, came right over and started babbling at me like we were old pals. Would have taken nothing to just grab her up, take her home and make her over in my own image. And you may think the world needs another Vraiblonde, but let me assure you, my own daughter is carrying on the tradition.

(When she finally retrieved the tot, I told her she really shouldn't let her daughter roam like that. She humpfed at me and skittered off.)
Yes, they do allow stupid people to breed. :shrug: