Debate Crystal Ball...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...let us predict!

Bush will say "Sen. Kerry I applaud and honor your service and sacrifice to our country in Viet Nam and I wish I'd have done as much as you did!"

Will Kerry have the brains to say "Well, on behalf of all COMBAT vets, I thank you and you guys who stayed stateside did your part to!"

What else can he say? He can't NOT thank Bush for his guard service. He just can't!

This is what I'm looking for!!!

If Kerry says nothing, he's dead. Not almost finished, but done.

If he thanks Bush, 10 million left wing nut jobs will not even show up to vote.

If he passes it off, he's done. Fork, please.


My Sweetest Boy
I haven't read that much about the format of this debate. What does "scripted" mean. Are they given the questions ahead of time, which doesn't seem right. Are there no rebuttals? I'm really looking forward to it and I hope Bush doesn't fall into giving negative remarks.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I predict that neither Bush nor Kerry will say what Larry predicted. :lol:

I do, however, predict that Kerry will spend most of his time busting on Bush and saying what a low down stinking rotten guy he is and how, if it weren't for him, we'd all live in peace and harmony.

Bush will talk positive about the war and his record and not even mention Kerry.


I predict Kerry will come across as pompous and smug and it will kill him in the polls.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I also predict that Kerry will leave the podium and approach Bush, a la Al Gore, even though it's supposed to be against the rules.

They didn't spray paint him orange for nothing.


However this goes tonight it will be very interesting to say the least, but I think Kerry will make an azz of himself.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you really think these people are idiots?

This is the ball game for Kerry.

They gotta have something good cooked up, right?

Kerry needs to come off as whatever they think it is that warms the hearts of the undecideds, right?

Kerry MUST honor Bush.

Kerry MUST make a case for why he wants to be boss man.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Do you really think these people are idiots? Yes

They gotta have something good cooked up, right? They're apparently going to take a screwdriver to the lecterns

Kerry needs to come off as whatever they think it is that warms the hearts of the undecideds, right? Kerry seems to think vandalism will go over well

Kerry MUST honor Bush. He's a rich woman's poodle dog - the word "honor" isn't in his vocabulary

Kerry MUST make a case for why he wants to be boss man. He has managed to come this far without making a case for himself - why start now?

Right? Wrong


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ha ha...

...have you fun.

Kerry is in deep kimshee in nationwide polls and has bailed on a number of add campaigns in states where they are giving up hope. They know they are behind and on the verge of losing HUGE.

They MUST put on a good show tonight. They HAVE to.

Let me try it another way; WWVD?

What would Vrai, as Kerry campaign manager, have your boy do?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
What would Vrai, as Kerry campaign manager, have your boy do?
I'd issue a press release saying that Kerry was in a cage match with the Undertaker and got his jaw broken...right before he threw UT off the ropes and into a Stunner, pin for the win.

"Sorry - he won't be able to talk until November 3."


Well-Known Member
Posturing, Posing, and making puns.

Kerry is under immense pressure to stake out solid positions...the problem will be --how will these positions line up with previous statements & votes?

This will trap him,...not on Debate night but with the quote-checkers in the next 24 hours.

He also has to be careful with his attack mode. How much Bush-bashing will he do?...that is dangerous ground. He already has a gloomy look,,,will snide criticism and zingers win points? I doubt it.

Rule Breaking: Will he try to use his altitude to position himself near to Bush toward the end of the debate for posing and let his height carry some influence. (He's got at least 6 inches over Bush) Backlash similar to Hillary and the odd gesture her opponent did in the NY debate?...People don't like rule breakers.


I predict that both guys will be ultra-polished and won't spend a second wizzing on each other's shoes as both of them have too much that they can be attacked for. It'll be a vanilla debate and both sides will claim victory.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Bush will talk positive about the war and his record and not even mention Kerry.

I don't think that you and me are watching the same election...both candidates are throwing accusations around each other.

Is this the ballgame for it for What needs to happen for Kerry is that he has to stop the distortion and Republican spin of "flip-flop." He has to use short, declarative sentences to convey strength, rather than provide intellectual, long-winded answers. And furthermore, stay away from referencing the Vietnam war service. People out there are begging for a reason to remove Bush from office, but Kerry hasn't provided it. This debate, combined with the other two debates, can help Kerry in doing that. Just like Ronald Reagan in 1980, make this a referendum on Bush's record.

For Bush, he has to capitalize on his strengths of providing the common-touch and typical, witty comebacks. He can essentially play keep-away and run out the clock if he so chooses, but if Kerry is sharp, and on message, Bush has to come out and remind us all once again of that inarticulate moment when John Kerry said "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."