Governor December 24


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Dear Marylanders,

In the Christian faith, the Christmas season is a time of great joy and anticipation as we await the birth of Jesus. This year, I’m reminded of a line from the song ‘O Holy Night’: a thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

This has been a long and very difficult year for every one of us. We are all weary and ready to put 2020 behind us. But during this holiday season, regardless of your faith, let’s all reflect on a spirit of hope that more vaccines are on the way, that more economic relief is coming to those who need it, and that victory over this deadly virus truly is on the horizon.


With your help and with your continued vigilance now and into the New Year, we can all be hopeful and set our sights on a better, healthier, happier, and more prosperous 2021.


Signature: Larry Hogan