Dem Plan to Torpedo Alito?


Super Genius
As reported by Drudge...
Senate Democrats intend to zero in on Alito’s alleged enthusiastic membership to an organization, they will charge, that was sexist and racist!
Democrats hope to tie Alito to Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP).
THE DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a Summer 1982 article from CAP’s PROSPECT magazine titled “Smearing The Class Of 1957” that key Senate Democrats believe could thwart his nomination!

In the article written by then PROSPECT editor Frederick Foote, Foote writes: “The facts show that, for whatever reasons, whites today are more intelligent than blacks.”

Senate Democrats expect excerpts like this written by other Princeton graduates will be enough to torpedo the Alito nomination.

One Democrat Hill staffer involved in their strategy declared, “Put a fork in Scalito. It doesn’t matter that Alito didn’t write it, it doesn’t matter that Alito wasn’t that active in the group, Foote wrote it in CAP’s magazine and we are going to make Alito own it.
Guilt by association...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This crap proves that the Democrats are just a bunch of obstructionist freaks. Nothing I've read about Alito is anything to get excited or concerned about. Even the "suspicious" stuff is a big huge yawnaroonie :yawn:

I would love to have some DemocRAT on here explain to me why Miss Gulch should be on the SC but not Alito.