Demise of Dallas...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd just like to take a moment and express some sympathy, if only a little, for a fallen, well respected and vaunted foe. It's tough to see just how fast they've collapsed this year with just one or two cogs in the machine failing. I mean, I look forward to the big clashes when both teams have something on the line, the Skins and Cowboys, and, well, it's just kinda sad and a little disconcerting to see them go from Super bowl shoo in to laughingstock in a few short weeks, starting with the ass whipping we gave them. It's with a certain melancholy...

OK...that's all the longer I can keep this up.

Dallas, sympathy is between #### and syphilis in the dictionary and I enjoy every last second of watching your little silver and blue world come apart in little, tiny pieces. I only hope it gets worse.




New Member
I'd just like to take a moment and express some sympathy, if only a little, for a fallen, well respected and vaunted foe. It's tough to see just how fast they've collapsed this year with just one or two cogs in the machine failing. I mean, I look forward to the big clashes when both teams have something on the line, the Skins and Cowboys, and, well, it's just kinda sad and a little disconcerting to see them go from Super bowl shoo in to laughingstock in a few short weeks, starting with the ass whipping we gave them. It's with a certain melancholy...

OK...that's all the longer I can keep this up.

Dallas, sympathy is between #### and syphilis in the dictionary and I enjoy every last second of watching your little silver and blue world come apart in little, tiny pieces. I only hope it gets worse.



I am with ya brother man!!!!!!:dye:


New Member
I'd just like to take a moment and express some sympathy, if only a little, for a fallen, well respected and vaunted foe. It's tough to see just how fast they've collapsed this year with just one or two cogs in the machine failing. I mean, I look forward to the big clashes when both teams have something on the line, the Skins and Cowboys, and, well, it's just kinda sad and a little disconcerting to see them go from Super bowl shoo in to laughingstock in a few short weeks, starting with the ass whipping we gave them. It's with a certain melancholy...

OK...that's all the longer I can keep this up.

Dallas, sympathy is between #### and syphilis in the dictionary and I enjoy every last second of watching your little silver and blue world come apart in little, tiny pieces. I only hope it gets worse.



LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT..................AWESOME!!!!!!! :buddies:

Nanny Pam

To watch the quivering lip of TO and tears streaming from his eyes...brings me more joy than anything!


New Member
I'd just like to take a moment and express some sympathy, if only a little, for a fallen, well respected and vaunted foe. It's tough to see just how fast they've collapsed this year with just one or two cogs in the machine failing. I mean, I look forward to the big clashes when both teams have something on the line, the Skins and Cowboys, and, well, it's just kinda sad and a little disconcerting to see them go from Super bowl shoo in to laughingstock in a few short weeks, starting with the ass whipping we gave them. It's with a certain melancholy...

OK...that's all the longer I can keep this up.

Dallas, sympathy is between #### and syphilis in the dictionary and I enjoy every last second of watching your little silver and blue world come apart in little, tiny pieces. I only hope it gets worse.



Wonder who T.O will blame on his dropped passes this time.:tantrum:loser:


All Up In Your Grill
:roflmao: I told my son last night that my new favorite team is the Falcons. :lol:

Not really, but I can't even root for Dallas anymore. They are like watching the Bad News Bears Football style. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Im sure enjoying the collaspe of 'America's Team', :yahoo: sure they have had a few injuries all teams get them, but Im loving watching T.O whine each week, he's like a cancer to any team he plays on, happened when he was with the Eagles before the Cowboys.
Can't stand their obnoxious owner either.


All Up In Your Grill
Im sure enjoying the collaspe of 'America's Team', :yahoo: sure they have had a few injuries all teams get them, but Im loving watching T.O whine each week, he's like a cancer to any team he plays on, happened when he was with the Eagles before the Cowboys.
Can't stand their obnoxious owner either.

Don't forget when he was on the 49er's. I remember him showboating on that Star at Texas Stadium, and everything equating that to blasphemy. :roflmao: