I hate - hate - being lectured about Christian values from a group of persons who typically detest Christian values on a daily basis, unless it supports what they already believe.
On a similar note -
The Bible says to honor your earthly leaders and to pray for them - and when that was written - those leaders were some of the most evil men to ever rule the Roman Empire. God does not force people to be moral - but he does raise and destroy leaders whose ends don't meet his. The worst these men can do is destroy your body. If eternity awaits you, that's nothing at all.
I don't see anything wrong with Christians trying to effect change when they can. But it is not the goal of the Christian life to transform this world into a paradise on Earth - it makes it very clear who is the prince of this world - and who rules the next. It will NEVER be heaven on earth - but you can try. Paul made us of his rights as a Roman citizen - to appeal to the Emperor - to be removed from prison when he was thrown in and beaten without a trial. Jesus paid the "temple tax". (I love how he did it - he told his disciple to throw a line in the water, hook a fish and look in the fish's mouth, and there will be a coin EXACTLY matching the tax - just to show them - this is a stupid tax and I will prove it to you).
Bottom line - as a Christian, you live quietly, work with your hands, live a quiet life so no one can accuse you of anything.
The left doesn't give a damn about this - because they don't worship God, they worship themselves. If you follow God, every once in a while you're going to come across something you don't want to follow - but you DO. Not so with people who worship themselves - they never fail to admonish others IF IT AGREES WITH THEM. When it doesn't, it's just a bunch of hooey. Basically, they don't follow God, they place themselves above God and quote him if they're on the same page.