As I listen to the news reports pouring out about the new media darling, Arnold Schwarzenegger, I can't help but notice all of the threats of negative campaigning that's coming from the Democrats concerning Arnold's alledged infidelities with women. Wasn't it the Democrats who loudly insisted that whatever happens between two consenting adults is not the business of the voters or anyone else for that matter? Wasn't it the Democrats who insisted that sexual conduct, or misconduct, had no bearing on a person's ability to lead?
Today's news deals with California Democratic Party Spokesman Bob Mulholland's comments about "bullets" being fired at Arnold, but what I found very interesting in an article about the comments on the Drudge Report today was this: "The stunning threat from Mulholland, who rose to fame in 1992 after exposing how Republican Senate candidate Bruce Herschensohn visted a strip joint in Hollywood, comes as the historic recall election moves in to high gear -- and Schwarzenegger takes the lead in the polls. " Visiting a strip joint is grounds for not voting for someone but turning the White House into a strip joint isn't?
It looks like sex is only unimportant when it comes to Democratic forays. Chalk up another reason to not believe anything a Democrat professes to believe in.
Today's news deals with California Democratic Party Spokesman Bob Mulholland's comments about "bullets" being fired at Arnold, but what I found very interesting in an article about the comments on the Drudge Report today was this: "The stunning threat from Mulholland, who rose to fame in 1992 after exposing how Republican Senate candidate Bruce Herschensohn visted a strip joint in Hollywood, comes as the historic recall election moves in to high gear -- and Schwarzenegger takes the lead in the polls. " Visiting a strip joint is grounds for not voting for someone but turning the White House into a strip joint isn't?
It looks like sex is only unimportant when it comes to Democratic forays. Chalk up another reason to not believe anything a Democrat professes to believe in.