Democrats fail...


Methodically disorganized
... to gain traction from Bush slip

This article brings a recent forum topic to a head: if the Republicans face a backslide and the Democrats spin their wheels, what is to happen next year?

Could Independents begin to stand up? Or, as we get closer to the upcoming elections, will people 'buckle down' to their core issues, thereby probably sustaining the Republican stronghold?


Do Democrats really think that Republicans are as hung up on George Bush as they are??? Do they not understand that Republicans think in terms of issues and not personalities? We don't care if Bush or anyone else is popular or unpopular, we just care about what issues are being addressed or not.


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Bruzilla said:
Do Democrats really think that Republicans are as hung up on George Bush as they are??? Do they not understand that Republicans think in terms of issues and not personalities? We don't care if Bush or anyone else is popular or unpopular, we just care about what issues are being addressed or not.
No but - apart from the ones who really do hate him - they think it's a zero sum game - a point loss for Bush is a point gain for them. And apparently it doesn't work that way.

Thank God. I mean, I get pretty damned p!ssed that people like John Kerry, when he ran last fall, kept reminding us he had a wonderful plan for ending the war - but we neither saw much detail - NOR - and this is the thing that makes me believe it was all crap - did the rest of Congress ever see any of these ideas. See, you can blame the President for just about anything - and people DO - but the fact remains that there are a lot of Democrats still in Congress, and I don't for a minute believe that their sole agenda ought to be griping about Republicans. They OUGHT to be *showing* me they can do what they say - without holding the White House, WITHOUT continually b!tching about Republicans. Just do your job. If you can convince me, MAYBE I'll vote for you.

Complaining isn't a convincing election strategy. It just reminds me you ain't doin' nuthin' EITHER.


I think the thing that's going to kill the Dems the most is their response to Bush's Social Security reform efforts. They think they're scoring big points by crapping on Bush's ideas, but they don't see that they're looking really bad by saying "Yeah, SS is in danger down the road, but we want to ignore the problem until it gets bigger and more unsolveable."