Democrats Have Become A Serious Threat To The Republic


PREMO Member
Those who seek to destroy or delegitimize the Supreme Court for upholding the Constitution are no better than those who desire to overturn or delegitimize presidential elections. In fact, they probably pose a greater long-term threat to American “democracy.”

Now, if you believe the above contention is hyperbole, consider that many leftists aren’t merely advocating for court-packing or nullification of the Dobbs decision; they justify those attacks with a litany of other grievances about the constitutional order.

Even as the Supreme Court relinquished its power, and threw the abortion issue–unmentioned anywhere in the Constitution–back to the voters, a horde of j-school graduates and politicians, either ignorant of basic civics or contemptuous of them, descended with panic-stricken warnings about the demise of “democracy.” Almost none of their objections were grounded in any sort of legal arguments about the alleged constitutionality of terminating unwanted human beings. Instead, their case centered around the specious idea that the court had undermined the will of voters by no longer dictating abortion policy by judicial fiat.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who, at this point, sounds virtually indistinguishable from Senate leadership or the authoritarians writing at The Washington Post, points out that seven of the nine justices on the court “were appointed by a party that hasn’t won a popular vote more than once in 30 years,” that one of their seats “was stolen,” and that “several lied to Congress to secure their appointment…”



Well-Known Member
And while this cancer is spreading they complain about the Democracy dying if republicans win in 2022.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who, at this point, sounds virtually indistinguishable from Senate leadership or the authoritarians writing at The Washington Post, points out that seven of the nine justices on the court “were appointed by a party that hasn’t won a popular vote more than once in 30 years,” that one of their seats “was stolen,” and that “several lied to Congress to secure their appointment…”
Leave it to AOC to make yet another stupid point - they were also apporved by a Senate, which is voted on by the people. Not one Democrat voted for Barrett - and Collins voted against her. ONE Democrat voted for Kavanaugh. Three voted for Gorsuch. It's bullshit to think they got in because a Republican nominated them. Republicans generally widely approve of Demcorat nominated justices, because they don't make it into a media circus.

I like the whole - no popular vote. Clinton never did, either. Is that important? That make Breyer suspect.

"Lied to Congress?" Well that is a crime - but it's also a serious breach of jurisprudence to declare HOW YOU WILL RULE in a possible future case.
So while being scrutinized before appointment - you had better believe they should NOT tell you how they will decide.


Well-Known Member
Leave it to AOC to make yet another stupid point - they were also apporved by a Senate, which is voted on by the people. Not one Democrat voted for Barrett - and Collins voted against her. ONE Democrat voted for Kavanaugh. Three voted for Gorsuch. It's bullshit to think they got in because a Republican nominated them. Republicans generally widely approve of Demcorat nominated justices, because they don't make it into a media circus.

I like the whole - no popular vote. Clinton never did, either. Is that important? That make Breyer suspect.

"Lied to Congress?" Well that is a crime - but it's also a serious breach of jurisprudence to declare HOW YOU WILL RULE in a possible future case.
So while being scrutinized before appointment - you had better believe they should NOT tell you how they will decide.

The 2 nominees at the time said abortion is settled law. It stayed settled until something came along to unsettle it.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The 2 nominees at the time said abortion is settled law. It stayed settled until something came along to unsettle it.
And that is the extent of what they CAN say. I'd have voted against ANY judge who declared their vote.

Slavery was settled - segregation was settled - heck, Prohibition was an amendment. It's settled until it isn't.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The 2 nominees at the time said abortion is settled law. It stayed settled until something came along to unsettle it.

Abortion would still be settled law if the Democrats hadn't thrown flat out infanticide into the mix. I think the Supremes were being generous letting states decide if they will allow the killing of newborn infants. If it were up to me I'd be like, no you disgusting MFs can't torture and dismember newborn babies and still be part of our United States.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Abortion would still be settled law if the Democrats hadn't thrown flat out infanticide into the mix. I think the Supremes were being generous letting states decide if they will allow the killing of newborn infants. If it were up to me I'd be like, no you disgusting MFs can't torture and dismember newborn babies and still be part of our United States.

And that is also why I respect their decision - because they did NOT give their opinions on the morality of abortion - just its constitutionality.
NOT their job.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And that is also why I respect their decision - because they did NOT give their opinions on the morality of abortion - just its constitutionality.
NOT their job.

Exactly. Which explains the face I make when I see some durhard keening in the streets over this.


I am still very much pro-abortion. Any time, as long as the birthers are still robust enough to take out what they spawned. If a 90 year old woman can abort her 70 year old ne'er-do-well shitbag offspring, good for you Granny. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

They know better than I do what they have wrought and I'm happy to stay out of the personal decisions of others.

My disgust with abortion has little to do with the sanctity of life of a fetus that will likely grow up to prey on society after being neglected and abused by their mentally ill birthing people. It's more because late-term and post-partum abortion is gross, and people who do it are sociopaths. Leave it to the states, let us vote on whether or not we want to live among these people. If it came to a vote in FL I'd vote to ban abortion after the first trimester, make all those scumbags move to CA or NY where they can live among their own kind.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My disgust with abortion has little to do with the sanctity of life of a fetus that will likely grow up to prey on society after being neglected and abused by their mentally ill birthing people. It's more because late-term and post-partum abortion is gross, and people who do it are sociopaths. Leave it to the states, let us vote on whether or not we want to live among these people. If it came to a vote in FL I'd vote to ban abortion after the first trimester, make all those scumbags move to CA or NY where they can live among their own kind.
Remember that Project Veritas thing, where the person being talked to - under cover - was discussing body parts to trade and sell?

Despite the whole, "hey that late term stuff doesn't happen" - obviously it does. There's no way a fetus of less than 12 weeks has organs developed enough to be useful.

I keep thinking of those sci-fi and horror movies, where whole colonies of clones exist solely as spare parts - and realize - we HAVE people who think that way.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Despite the whole, "hey that late term stuff doesn't happen" - obviously it does. There's no way a fetus of less than 12 weeks has organs developed enough to be useful.

Not only that, but when GWB banned partial birth abortion the libs went crazy and got a judge to overturn it. If there were no such thing as late term or partial birth abortion, they'd have been like, "Who cares? Nobody does that anyway."

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The 2 nominees at the time said abortion is settled law. It stayed settled until something came along to unsettle it.
Yep, Roe was settled until Casey unsettled it and now Dobbs has unsettled that.


Well-Known Member
Probably one of the most settled legal cases is the 2nd. Amendment and it wording "shall not be abridged".

And yet the Democrats and a few Republican dick-heads have abridged it several times and have intentions to abridge it even more. It looks like no law is really settled.