Anyone paying even a little bit of attention knows white Democrats are horribly racist and sexist, just like their Party ancestors.
This story is many years ago - but I knew a guy who worked on the Dukakis campaign. Like, at the highest levels. He was your typical idealistic young Democrat in the 80's. He was also Asian, which gave him an interesting perspective on what he would tell me later.
He said that he was astonished - and profoundly disappointed - to find that so many Democrat leaders he had admired his adult life - were just - at least dismissively - bigoted. It left him very dispirited. He then found that everything he'd learned about Republicans - when, four years later, he worked for elder Bush's campaign - was wrong.
Actually, it was then that he mentioned he'd met Dubya, in '92. He was just the President's son, failed to win his first House seat and was mostly just working for his father. He said that he liked him very much, personally, and being a Christian, he found his faith personally inspiring. What most surprised him was, four years later, GOVERNOR Bush met him again at the convention, and remembered everything previously - as if it was just yesterday. To he honest - it was HIS opinion of the man that most strongly influenced my vote for him. I later began to see him as a somewhat weak leader, at least in Washington.
It's actually an outcome of THAT, I've come to recognize that it really doesn't matter if you don't think you would LIKE the person face to face. What matters is can they do the job. It would be nice if your football coach was a good role model, but no one's going to like that everyone likes him but he loses games.