Dems Lead In Congressional Races


New Member
The generic congressional ballot has absolutely no correlation with the actual results for congressional control. Right now, unless something major, major happens, it is next to impossible for the Democrats to retake the House.


New Member
Rapture Man said:
It's too bad that Steny is going to win this year with over 60% again. I don't get how a sensible person could believe that Steny Hoyer is bad for our district. It is SO smart for us to throw out the Democratic whip and a 20-year veteran of the House during a time as high risk as BRAC.


New Member
Rapture Man said:
Yeah, you're right. Kinda like the idea of Maryland electing a Republican governor.

Oh, wait... :wink:

Oh wait, the GOP candidate for governor actually had experience in politics. Steny has an opponent that has nowhere near the experience to get the job done in Congress for us.

And GOPers in this state need to stop using Ehrlich as a crutch to do everything. It was after 36 YEARS of Democratic control and the whole "culture of corruption" concept played great. Then Kathleen Kennedy Townsend ran a terrible campaign due to a poor campaign staff and Democrats stupidly pointed this out ALL OVER THE PAPERS. Michael Steele was able to draw not only some GOP black votes, but also keep Democratic black voters away. Furthermore, 2002 was a Republican year. This is why Bob Ehrlich has nothing to do with a new voting trend or voter realignment. Bob Ehrlich's win was an exception, not the rule; and frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if Mayor O'Malley defeated him in 2006.


New Member
rraley said:
I don't get how a sensible person could believe that Steny Hoyer is bad for our district.
My guess is that some folks put larger principles (e.g. abortion) ahead of their own self interest. However unsensible that may seem.

Rapture Man

New Member
I don't care if he's got as much "experience" as Strom Thurmond. Have you seen his voting record? In the current session alone, Hoyer voted against the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, against prohibiting funding for pro-prostitution organizations, against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, against the Human Cloning Prohibition Act, and to block increased spending to stop the global AIDS epidemic. He has also voted to allow our tax money to fund abortions and the distribution of the "morning after pill" in public schools, and to continue the marriage tax penalty.

His voting record reads like an all out assault on family values, and I would never vote for him. I'd bet plenty of other people in southern Maryland would agree, if they only knew...


New Member
Rapture Man said:
I don't care if he's got as much "experience" as Strom Thurmond. Have you seen his voting record? In the current session alone, Hoyer voted against the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, against prohibiting funding for pro-prostitution organizations, against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, against the Human Cloning Prohibition Act, and to block increased spending to stop the global AIDS epidemic. He has also voted to allow our tax money to fund abortions and the distribution of the "morning after pill" in public schools, and to continue the marriage tax penalty.

His voting record reads like an all out assault on family values, and I would never vote for him. I'd bet plenty of other people in southern Maryland would agree, if they only knew...

Most of the things you mention aren't family values they are christian values and not every family wants those things shoved down their throats. Are you one of the same people to gripe about overpopulation, kids having kids, welfare...etc.


New Member
SurfaceTension said:
My guess is that some folks put larger principles (e.g. abortion) ahead of their own self interest. However unsensible that may seem.

Yes, they do, so they vote for the pro-choice candidate. The 5th district provided 55% of its votes to pro-choice Al Gore and provided 51% to pro-choice Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. Furthermore, the state of Maryland is so pro-choice that the people chose, by referendum, to bar minors from having to receive parental consent for abortion in the 80s. Furthermore, Rep. Hoyer supports banning partial-birth abortions...check out Hoyer-Greenwood, which was the alternative to the current law, which has already been overturned in the courts.

I'm sorry, but working one's ass off to get Steny Hoyer kicked out of office is akin to a volunteer for Ralph Nader. It is just pointless.

Rapture Man

New Member
I don't find it pointless to know what one believes, stand by one's own convictions, and not decide to vote for someone just because they think everyone else is going to.


New Member
rraley said:
It is just pointless.
Maybe, maybe not....That's what makes this Country great. Tom Daschle's dynasty, powerful as he is, just might come to an end in November. As Rapture Man said, aint nothing wrong fighting for principle.

BTW, give me a break on the partial birth "opposition"....Catch-all "mental health" exemptions ("Like, if I have this child, I'll be sooo stressed out") is nothing but political double-speak. Great tactic on the Dem's part, but that's all it is.