Dems want more talks on nominees



Dems, you are on CNN!

Dems want more talks on nominees

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Just a quick thought about the need to discuss nominees with the Democrats...

mi·nor·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-nôr-t, -nr-, m-)
n. pl. mi·nor·i·ties

1. The smaller in number of two groups forming a whole.
2. A group or party having fewer than a controlling number of votes.

I think definition number 2 sums it up nicely.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Democrats say the courtesy calls from President Bush and his top aide, while appreciated, fall far short of the advice and consent consultations they expect before Bush announces a Supreme Court nominee.
Oh REALLY????? Who do these people think they are??


Routinely Derailed
They're just manufacturing excuses for being obstructionist pigs. The more informal elements of how things are done, are providing them with a wealth of ways in which to gum up the works. I hope the nation remembers things like this when the jackazzes start braying about why they and their candidate are the best choice for house/senate/president/supreme court, etc.

Just got the application for Life membership in the RNC! :banana:


I know it's OT, but I was watching a rerun of the Daily Show last night, and our friend Howard Dean was on there having yet another case of diarrhea of the mouth, a severe symptom of "I Don't Get It Disease", and it just amazed me of how self-deluded this guy is. Even worse were the cheers from the audience to some of the retarted stuff he was saying.

If the Dems are really this detached from reality, I'm thinking even I might have a shot at beating Hillary if she runs in 2008.


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
I know it's OT, but I was watching a rerun of the Daily Show last night, and our friend Howard Dean was on there having yet another case of diarrhea of the mouth, a severe symptom of "I Don't Get It Disease", and it just amazed me of how self-deluded this guy is. Even worse were the cheers from the audience to some of the retarted stuff he was saying.

If the Dems are really this detached from reality, I'm thinking even I might have a shot at beating Hillary if she runs in 2008.
I saw that episode. Jon Stewart actually asked him what plans the Dems had and Dean dodged the question saying that Republicans are liars and call people names. What an idiot.


FromTexas said:
At least we are sticking to the theme of the thread. Things that aren't going to happen.

I'm glad you finally realized that :yay:
