Dems way Support troops but hide the money

Go G-Men

New Member
The house today suggested passing a bill that would put a deadline of Fall 2008 as the drop dead date for withdrawl from Iraq.... So let me see.... Lets tell all the insurgents in Iraq that if you hold out long enough they will go home.... Yep that is what they have been planning all this time.... They knew that the American public did not have the stomach for war... So what did Nancy Pelosi do.... She did exactly what we expected her to do.... If we are losing Americans than the hell with it, bring them home......

Okay the DEMS now just like in the 60's declared that we were losing too many americans to this war and it will be another Vietnam. The difference between now and Vietnam is that the number of US troops dying is about 1/16th of those dying in Iraq than in Vietnam,,, Of course the Dems would say "that is enough". Well I say that If you have not or will not support your troops than you don't know what is or is not enough. The conflict in Vietnam was Fu@@ed up by liberals as is this conflict.

So when the House DEMS said they has a new policy for Iraq coming out today, I thought okay that is a good: A policy!!!! Well, we did not get a dem policy, what we got was a typical liberal response to war started by a Republican: Walk away and quit... Please do me a favor... If you are a Democrat please tell somebody in your party that a policy is not leave or we will cut funds... A policy is lets see what we can do to help and than follow up on that!!! Cut and run is not policy it is the typical response....

Now before you tag me a republican... I am not.. I am an independent... So slow your roll!!!! :howdy:
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