Dental Implants


Several years ago I broke a molar. I lived with the pain. If I accidentally chewed on that side I was quickly reminded not to do so! Then, the tooth finally broke completely in half and there was nothing to do but get it pulled. I went to an oral surgeon I know and he pulled the tooth and I asked about a dental implant dentist instead of the usual bridge. He told me to wait till my mouth healed and come back. When I came back, he took an impression. Then he put a screw in the bone of my upper jaw and then put a temporary tooth. I came back in a few days and he put in the permanent tooth.

I have been very happy. I have not had a single problem, nor have I had the same issues people with partials and bridges have. I can chew, eat anything, and basically treat it like a real tooth. Over time, the bone grows around the screw and makes it like a real tooth. Also, with implants you do not have the bone loss as you do with false teeth.

When I first got it, there was a little time of getting used to it and it would get sore if I ate too much with it. I just treated it with some gel he gave me and salt water. Now, I have no issues at all.

Anyone who is missing teeth, I highly recommend getting this done.
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Well-Known Member
Several years ago I broke a molar. I lived with the pain. If I accidentally chewed on that side I was quickly reminded not to do so! Then, the tooth finally broke completely in half and there was nothing to do but get it pulled. I went to an oral surgeon I know and he pulled the tooth and I asked about a dental implant dentist instead of the usual bridge. He told me to wait till my mouth healed and come back. When I came back, he took an impression. Then he put a screw in the bone of my upper jaw and then put a temporary tooth. I came back in a few days and he put in the permanent tooth.

I have been very happy. I have not had a single problem, nor have I had the same issues people with partials and bridges have. I can chew, eat anything, and basically treat it like a real tooth. Over time, the bone grows around the screw and makes it like a real tooth. Also, with implants you do not have the bone loss as you do with false teeth.

When I first got it, there was a little time of getting used to it and it would get sore if I ate too much with it. I just treated it with some gel he gave me and salt water. Now, I have no issues at all.

Anyone who is missing teeth, I highly recommend getting this done.
I have - REALLY good dental insurance - and I lost a molar years ago, had the same experience as you. I paid to have them put in a bone graft, so I assume I can probably have one put in any time I want to. Would you mind sending me a message about out of pocket cost? Always worried it will be outrageous.