JabbaJawz said:
My desktop was taken over a few weeks back when I acquired a trojan. Supposedy the Trojan is gone, but no matter what I do I still can't get my damned desktop back. It has some funky crap on it. Assitance, please!
This site will help. The top of the page is just an ad.
"HiJack This" Webpage
I know it's your desktop, but I think you have a registry issue:
The above site is for browser highjacking issues (pop ups, homepage gets changes and can't get it back or delete the existing "hijacked" one). Download the program..follow the steps. You may need to post the log if it's a registry issue but they will help you in their forums. Helped me out a year ago when my better half got the browser hijacked when surfing and I went nuts for 2 weeks.
Then, sh*tcan (don't use) Micro Soft Internet Explorer (MSIE). It has so many flaws that that hijackers and spyware websites absolutely love MSIE.
If you HAVE to use MSIE
Switching browsers is the easy answer. For some people, that is not an option for various reasons. Internet Explorer can be made reasonably safe without locking down every useful function, but it requires some third-party software.
The most important thing is to update your browser and operating system. Go to WindowsUpdates and install the latest version of Internet Explorer (currently MSIE 6 Service Pack 1), then go back and install any security patches that are available. Also install any service packs and patches for Windows itself. This one action will save you from the overwhelming majority of browser hijackers.
After you've done that, replace Microsoft Java VM with Sun Java. You can download that from
http://www.java.com/. There are several hijackers that exploit flaws in Microsoft Java VM. Sun's Java is more secure and more up to date. Make certain, in Java's options, that Sun Java JRE is set to work with Internet Explorer.
Open Internet Options from the Windows control panel and click the "Security" tab. Highlight the "Internet" icon and then click "Custom Level". Choose "Medium" from the drop-down box at the bottom, then click the "Reset" button. Click ok, then click "Custom Level" again.
Set your options just as I have listed below:
.NET Framework-reliant components
* Run components not signed with Authenticode (Disable)
* Run components signed with Authenticode (Prompt)
ActiveX controls and plug-ins
* Download signed ActiveX controls (Prompt)
* Download unsigned ActiveX controls (Disable)
* Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe (Disable)
* Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins (Enabled) (This actually refers to Java and Flash, not ActiveX)
* Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting (Prompt)
* Access data sources across domains (Disable)
* Drag and drop or copy and paste files (Prompt)
* Installation of desktop items (Prompt)
* Launching programs and files in an IFRAME (Prompt)
* Navigate sub-frames across different domains (Prompt)
* Software channel permissions (High safety)
* Userdata persistance (Disable)
* Allow paste operations via script (Prompt)
* Scripting of Java applets (Prompt)
Next, you need to run a registry script called IE-SPYADS. This script will place an enormous number of web sites known to be abusive into Internet Explorer's "Restricted Zone". Any site in that list will be unable to run javascripts, java applets, set or read cookies or use ActiveX scripting. You still will be able to visit those sites but they will be very limited in what they can do.
Be aware that MSIE has many security flaws that will allow a clever site designer to bypass security settings, even if their site is in the restricted zone. More must still be done.
Now you need to install SpywareBlaster. ActiveX programs need to use a CLSID (identifier number) before Windows will execute them. SpywareBlaster stops certain ActiveX CLSIDs from working by setting a "kill bit" in the Windows registry. This will stop ActiveX drive-by installations from programs that use those numbers, as well as preventing software already installed from running if they use that CLSID.
As a final safeguard, install a program called Browser Hijack Blaster. This program will watch for alterations to the home page, default page and search page as well as watching for Browser Helper Objects being installed. If it detects a change, it immediately will pop up a warning and ask if you wish to allow the change.
Be very careful about installing programs. By far the most common source of malware infection comes from third party bundles. Grokster, for instance, will install a dozen or more unwanted programs.
Finally, you also should disable the preview pane if you use Outlook or Outlook Express. Simply by highlighting an email while the preview pane is active, even to delete it, you could activate any scripting in that email. Visit TomCoyote's site for instructions on doing that.
Follow the steps above and it will be very unlikely that you ever will be hijacked again. Periodically scan your system with antispyware and antivirus software. I recommend Spybot S&D for antispyware and Nod32 for antivirus.
I use Firefox as my browser, never had a problem since:
First and most simply, stop using Internet Explorer. If you use either Mozilla, Firefox or Opera, you are immune to all known browser hijackers.
You are immune for two reasons. First, most people use Internet Explorer, so most malicious code is custom built to exploit it. Second, Opera's and Mozilla's programmers take security very seriously and have made these browsers very secure. It is not possible to install software from a web site using these browsers without at least seeing a prompt of some sort asking permission.