Despite Possible Poisoning, T-Shirt Hell Brings Back Their Most Offensive Shirts.


Football addict
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 7, 2005—Las Vegas based internet company T-Shirt made a name for itself by selling t-shirts that no other site would dare to offer. They had shirts that satirized 9/11; racial and religious stereotypes; even the recent Tsunami. Last month, they took down their most offensive shirts and went as far as to issue an apology. Today, those same shirts are available, again. Why the sudden change of heart, and change of heart, again?

Founder, Owner, and President Aaron Schwarz released the following statement: “Towards the end of April I believe an attempt was made on my life. This was not an idle threat: this was a trip to the emergency room. The doctors tell me that whatever I ingested, it came close to killing me.”

"I’ve decided that I'm willing to be a martyr for freedom of speech and even though I may be risking my life, it’s a chance I’m willing to take for a philosophy I believe in." said Schwarz. "If people can’t take a joke, that’s their problem. What I do is comedy. I have no ill intentions, just a passionate, crude sense of humor. If someone wants to kill me over a funny t-shirt, so be it."

The worse than hell t-shirts...


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
Lucky you.:jet:
I miss you and my ignore button is obviously broken so can we be friends again?


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New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I was so glad to see it come back. I'd never wear one of those shirts, but I will laugh at them! :lmao:

I thought wow! If you did wear it you'd get a lot of practice for the next PRT running from whoever the shirt insults.
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Super Genius
So wrong, so funny :yay: :killingme

It could be funny to have the "arrest black babies" on one side and "arrest white babies" on the other. I wonder if they'd print one like that...

I also like "stupidity causes cancer". I'd wear that one. :yay:


Asperger's Poster Child
jazz lady said:
It's still just as funny AND offensive. :lol:
I agree. Looking at the site, I was laughing and saying "oh my god" at the same time.

I suspect the site's creators are making a point about how society considers certain topics off-limits for humor, because this site knows NO boundaries. Ever hear of "The Aristocrats," a longtime insider joke among comedians? Paul Provenza directed a movie by that name that has clips of comedians telling their verisons of the joke, and one version is by the "South Park" guys.

Gene Weingarten: ...Words can be devastating. They can launch fanatical armies ("Deus volt!"), create a thousand Kristallnachts, wound a child for all his life, and whatnot. When I said "they are just words," I was discussing humor.

To me, tastelessness in the honest pursuit of humor is no vice. Humor is by its very nature subversive, and I give a pass to anyone who, in an honest effort to entertain, may cross a line and cause offense.

This does not mean I would TELL the Aristocrats joke to strangers. Subversive humor is all about understanding the soul and motives of the teller: When comics tell The Aristocrats to each other, they all know what the joke means: Nothing. It is a joke about the inability to cross some lines, and they all get it, and no one in the room thinks for a second, "Whoa, that guy really believes 9/11 is a laughing matter, he must be a real sicko. " It is Just Words.

I will tell all sorts of ethnic jokes to close friends. They know what I am really like -- they understand that I am not expressing my opinion, but making jokes about the silliness and unfairness of stereotypes. I would not tell such a joke in this forum, beause you don't have that knowledge about me, and you might well reasonably and rationally take offense.

You know what's hysterically funny? When members of some ethnic or cultural group act EXACTLY like the stereotype of that group supposes they would act. That is funny, not because it is supporting the case that, say, all Jews are cheap, but because we know the stereotype is patently unfair, and yet here is grist for the dimwit mill. That's funny.


Pitty Party
Pixie, is that you?




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Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is such crap...

Subversive humor is all about understanding the soul and motives of the teller

What a convoluted bunch of mish mash to excuse and/or disguise the truth; if something is funny, it's funny.

For instance:

Most of you laughed at the T shirts, right? Do you know who wrote them?


Therefore you have no way of 'understanding the soul and the motives' of the teller.

Do you know the originator of most or even all of the crass and offensive jokes you've ever howled at?


Again, no 'understanding of the soul and motives' going on here.

Yes, Dave Chappelles jokes are funny as hell...coming from him. If I did his routine it wouldn't be funny. That said, you don't know me or him or 'understand our soul and motives' past trying to be funny.

Humor is in the 'soul and motives' of the audience, not the comedian.

For isntance:

T Shirt:

"Once you've been to Aruba, you'll never go home"

When I first heard that, I howled. If I think about it, it is not funny at all and I hope anyone who knows or cares about that girl doesn't take it personally because it's not. I have three daughters.

Any offensive joke you can think of fits that same context yet not all of them are funny to everyone to the same degree which says nothing about ones soul or motives.

Isn't it also true that if you hear a given joke at the wrong time, it might not catch you as funny at all, while if you went to a club, it might have split your gut or, as I mentioned, it could be a matter of delivery and/or who delivers it. Not exactly 'soul and motive' deep there, huh?

Gene seems to be in need of an excuse for thinking offensive jokes are funny.

It's an individual thing and I invite anyone to explain how laughing at one joke and not another (the HEll T shirts are not equally funny to anyone, right?) is a matter of soul and motive of the jokster.