Despite VP nomination, Palin investigation ongoing


Habari Na Mijeldi
Despite VP nomination, Palin investigation continues - KTVA

Governor Palin has made a big splash onto the national stage, however her state investigation here in Alaska continues. Back in late July the legislative council approved $100,000 to investigate Governor Palin's potential abuse of power. Since, special investigator Steve Branchflower has been working methodically to bring to light the facts of a case that have only recently surfaced.
"The status of the investigation is that Steve Branchflower is taking statements right now from former members of the administration, and scheduling other appointments with other members of the administration, up to, and including Governor Palin to find out the facts of what happened," said Senator Hollis French, who is in charge


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Gov. Palin has told the investigators that she welcomes the investigation and she intends to cooperate fully and that she accepts all IF ANY responsibility.

The burden of proof is on the investigators not the governor.

Oh yeah that was a fine piece of objective journalism right there. Hell, they already have her as being guilty. I like how conveniently they left out the allegations against the trooper. You know the little things like threatening to kill the ex FIL, threats of bodily harm oh and the tasering of his 11 yo step son.
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