PGPD Detectives Arrest Suspect in Fatal Shooting in Suitland


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DeAllen Price

The Prince George’s County Police Department’s Homicide Unit identified and charged a suspect in connection with a fatal shooting in Suitland over the weekend. The suspect is 27-year-old DeAllen Price of the 6400 block of Hil Mar Drive in unincorporated District Heights. He’s accused of fatally shooting 20-year-old Tavahn Ashton of Suitland. She was a transgender female whose first name was Taya. The suspect and victim were known to each other.

On July 17, 2021, at approximately 9:55 pm, officers responded to an apartment in the 2300 block of Brooks Drive for a shooting. The victim was located inside of her apartment suffering from a gunshot wound and was pronounced dead on the scene.

During the course of the investigation, Price was developed as a suspect. One day after Taya’s murder, Arlington County Police (VA) arrested Price on unrelated charges. He was arrested after fleeing from officers and running into the Metro tracks at the Pentagon City Metro Station. With the assistance of Metro Transit Police, Prince George’s County Police detectives and a K9 officer searched those tracks and recovered a weapon that’s now been linked to Taya’s murder.

Price remains in custody in Virginia pending extradition to Prince George’s County. He’s charged with first and second degree murder and related charges in connection with Taya’s murder. The motive remains under investigation.

Detectives have uncovered no evidence suggesting Taya’s murder was due to her gender identity.

We are asking anyone with information that could help detectives to please reach out by calling 301-516-2512. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS, go online at, or use the “P3 Tips” mobile app (search “P3 Tips” in the Apple Store or Google Play to download the app onto your mobile device.) Please refer to case 21-0032181.

*Spanish Translation Follows*

Detectives Arrestan a Sospechoso por Mortal Tiroteo en Suitland

La Unidad de Homicidios del Departamento de la Policía del Condado de Prince George’s identificó y arrestó a un sospechoso en conexión a un mortal tiroteo que se registró en Suitland durante el fin de semana. El sospechoso fue identificado como DeAllen Price, de 27 años de edad y vecino de la cuadra 6400 de Hil Mar Drive, en la zona no-incorporada de District Heights. A este se le imputa haber asesinado a tiros a Tavahn Ashton, de 20 años de edad y vecina de Suitland. Esta era una mujer transgénero quien se identificaba como Taya. La víctima y el sospechoso se conocían entre sí.

El 17 de julio de 2021, a eso de las 9:55 pm, un grupo de oficiales acudió a un apartamento en la cuadra 2300 de Brooks Drive tras recibir información sobre un tiroteo. A la víctima la localizaron dentro de su apartamento, con una herida de bala y le declararon fenecida en la escena.

Durante el curso de la investigación, los detectives identificaron a Price como sospechoso. Un día después del asesinato de Taya, la Policía del Condado de Arlington (VA) arrestó a Price por cargos no relacionados a este caso. Este fue arrestado luego de huir de los oficiales y entrar en la pista del Metro dentro de la estación de Pentagon City. Con la asistencia de Metro Transit Police, detectives de nuestro departamento junto a un oficial de la unidad canina hicieron una búsqueda en los túneles del metro y recuperaron un arma que determinaron estar conectada al asesinato de Taya.

Price permanece bajo custodia en Virginia mientras aguarda ser extraditado al Condado de Prince George’s. Este enfrenta cargos por asesinato en primer grado, entre otros, con relación al asesinato de Taya. El motivo sigue bajo investigación.

Los detectives del caso confirman que no se ha descubierto evidencia que sugiriese que el asesinato de Taya estuviese relacionado a su género e identidad.

Pedimos que quien tenga información que pudiese ayudar a nuestros detectives, por favor llame al 301-516-2512. Quienes deseen permanecer anónimos pueden llamar a Crime Solvers al 1-866-411-TIPS (8477), o ir en línea a, o utilizar la aplicación móvil “P3 Tips” (busque “P3 Tips en el Apple Store o en Google Play para bajar la aplicación a su móvil). Por favor refiérase al caso 21-0032181.

Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at