Detroit Tigers keeping it classy


Lawful neutral

Collins, playing center field, lost a routine fly ball in the lights, which started a Keystone Kops-type play on which Justin Upton dropped the ball as he attempted to pick it up, and then Collins' throw to third base bounced away. Tigers fans, frustrated after Detroit scored just five runs in three games in a weekend sweep by the Cleveland Indians, responded with a chorus of boos. Collins fired back with an extended middle digit.


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Well-Known Member
Why blame the organization for this? This was nothing more than a spontaneous reaction by ONE player.


Well-Known Member
Then why blame the NRA when a kid shoots somebody?
I get what you are trying to say, but I see a difference in that the player is an employee of the team...a "kid" is not an employee of the NRA. Blaming the team for a spontaneous, albeit stupid, gesture from one player is ridiculous. Only if the team encouraged or explicitly endorsed such behavior could you blame the team.