Diabetes cure


New Member
The surgery that cures diabetes was accidentally discovered. They realise that removing or by-passing the first foot of the intestine, just passed the duodinom, seems to send patients back to normal. Blood sugar goes back to normal, and the stomach is left alone, so you can eat like a normal person. As soon as I can I am having this done! I read about it last night. As much as I dread surgery, I want this one.


Lem Putt
The surgery that cures diabetes was accidentally discovered. They realise that removing or by-passing the first foot of the intestine, just passed the duodinom, seems to send patients back to normal. Blood sugar goes back to normal, and the stomach is left alone, so you can eat like a normal person. As soon as I can I am having this done! I read about it last night. As much as I dread surgery, I want this one.

I can't imagine having a surgery that "seems to" work. I assume you are talking about type 2 diabetes, right?

Where did you hear about this? Was it a reputable source?


New Member
The other day I was watching fox news, the doctors name I can't remember, but he is in New York. I wrote seems to cause I can't beleive it all the way, he said the word cured, and remission. I went on the net and found the hospitals web site. They are gearing up for the surgeries.


The surgery that cures diabetes was accidentally discovered. They realise that removing or by-passing the first foot of the intestine, just passed the duodinom, seems to send patients back to normal. Blood sugar goes back to normal, and the stomach is left alone, so you can eat like a normal person. As soon as I can I am having this done! I read about it last night. As much as I dread surgery, I want this one.

This would be a blessing if true............:yay:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
This would be a blessing if true............:yay:

If this is true sign me up! I am willing to be a guinea pig on this one! Dad has one leg and 1/2 of one foot left. I am all in one piece but afraid that may not always be the case. My sugar is hard to control.


New Member
As depressed as I am, this cheers me up and gives me hope. Now if they could just come up with a memory removal surgery! I would have the first 18 years of my life gone!


33 yrs & we r still n luv
The surgery that cures diabetes was accidentally discovered. They realise that removing or by-passing the first foot of the intestine, just passed the duodinom, seems to send patients back to normal. Blood sugar goes back to normal, and the stomach is left alone, so you can eat like a normal person. As soon as I can I am having this done! I read about it last night. As much as I dread surgery, I want this one.

We saw it tonight on 60 Minutes. It's awesome for those that can benefit from it! You have to be "obese" and type 1 to be considered.

Fortunately for me anyway, I may be over weight (not obese according to my dr) (and I lost 13 pounds these last 2 weeks due to that damn stomach virus), but I'm also type 2. I keep my levels within a point or 2 mostly by diet and only take 500 mg of glucophage once a day. (haven't taken that in a week and I was still under 100 tonight!)


We saw it tonight on 60 Minutes. It's awesome for those that can benefit from it! You have to be "obese" and type 1 to be considered.

Fortunately for me anyway, I may be over weight (not obese according to my dr) (and I lost 13 pounds these last 2 weeks due to that damn stomach virus), but I'm also type 2. I keep my levels within a point or 2 mostly by diet and only take 500 mg of glucophage once a day. (haven't taken that in a week and I was still under 100 tonight!)

I saw that too.... most insurance won't cover it unless you are obese.... we should require that the insurance companies get a shot everyday... and prick their fingers... for about a month and then ask them again about approving it.... :doh: